
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


The Third Meeting of the Fifth Faculty and Staff Congress of the SIM

2022-03-01 09:31:50

On the afternoon of January 11, the Third Meeting of the Fifth Faculty and Staff Congress of our school was held in the lecture hall 212 of the SIM building. 26 official representatives and 8 nonvoting delegates attended the meeting, and Aijun Wu, Chairman of the Trade Union, Wuhan University, attended the meeting.

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The meeting kicked off with the solemn national anthem. Aijun Wu, on behalf of Wuhan University Trade Union, fully affirmed the achievements of our school in 2021. He hoped that the SIM Trade Union should firmly grasp the political direction of the work of the Faculty and Staff Congress and the trade union, further enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of doing a good job, wholeheartedly safeguard, develop and realize the fundamental rights of the faculty and staff, widely mobilize and stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of the faculty and staff of the school to integrate into the overall development of the school, promote the "double first-class" construction of the school to a new level with a high sense of ownership and responsibility, and greet the opening of the 20th Party Congress with outstanding achievements.

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The meeting reviewed the work report of Wei Lu, Dean of the SIM, and listened to the financial work report made by Hua Wang, Associate Dean of the SIM, work report of the faculty and staff congress and the trade union made by Yaolin Jiang, Chairman of the SIM Trade Union, and the explanations on the second round of employment plan of the SIM by Xingrong Fu, CPC Secretary of the SIM, the explanations on the implementation measures (revised draft) of high-level scientific research achievements by Jiang Wu, Associate Dean of the SIM. The representatives discussed and deliberated the above reports and documents in small groups, and actively offered suggestions. The representatives at the meeting highly affirmed the school's work achievements in 2021, and thought that the summary results of the school's work report were comprehensive, objective and inspiring, and the work plan was focused and the direction was clear. Fully affirmed the financial work report, the work report of the faculty and staff congress and the trade union, and put forward opinions and suggestions on the reform and development of school, personnel training, scientific research, cultural building, office environment and so on.

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The meeting adopted the second round of employment plan of the SIM, the implementation measures (revised draft) of high-level scientific research achievements, and the resolution of the Third Meeting of the Fifth Faculty and Staff Congress.

The meeting called on all faculty and staff to further enhance their awareness of the overall situation, crisis and innovation. According to the goals and development tasks set by the Fourth Party Member Congress of the SIM, the 14th Five-year Plan and the new round of world-class discipline of Library, Information and Data Science, we should accelerate the construction of a world-class comprehensive research information management school.
