
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Research Institutions

The first-class programs and first-class team at SIM have laid a solid foundation for its academic research.

SIM has been undertaking the national projects including the "985" and the "211". It demonstrates its comprehensive research constituents with more than 10 institutes and research centers at national, provincial/ministerial, and university levels. Among them, the Center for the Studies of Information Resources of Wuhan University is the only selected key research base by the MOE in the field of humanities and social sciences.

SIM possesses advantages in and are featured with research in such areas as theories of library science theory, modern bibliography, Chinese library history, classical philology, information resources and intellectual property management, theories of information science, information retrieval, knowledge organization, information economics, information services and management, informatics, database systems, intelligent information, archives and electronic document management, publishing and distribution, digital publishing, e-Commence. Among those featured areas, quite a few are in the leading positions in China.

In the past 10 years, the faculty members of SIM have undertaken 59 projects sponsored by NSFC, including one key project,; 52 projects sponsored by CSSF, including 5 key bidding projects; and more than 100 projects sponsored by the MOE, and other ministerial and provincial departments, including two key projects of MOE; and more than 300 projects with the sponsorship of enterprises. The annual fund exceeds an expenditure of 10 million RMB yuan since 2009. During this period of time, our faculty members have published 115 academic books, 115 text books, nine translated books and 3670research papers. Among them, 497 papers were published in top domestic journals or international journals. In addition, SIM faculty members have received 20 awards of Humanities and Social Science of MOE, including 2 first prizes, 4 second prizes and 3 third prizes.

SIM issues three academic journals including Document, Information, & Knowledge (http://www.dik.whu.edu.cn ), Journal of Publishing Science (http://www.cbkx.com), and Journal of Information Resources Management(http://jirm.whu.edu.cn).

