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Scholars at Home and Abroad Explore the Development of International Information Science and Technology

2021-11-01 09:39:48

Recently, the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Special Interest Group on Knowledge Management (SIG-KM) International Symposium co-hosted by the Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, the College of Information, University of North Texas, the Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka, and the School of Information, San Jose State University was held virtually. Dozens of experts, scholars and graduate students from China, the United States, Australia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan have conducted in-depth academic exchanges on the research progress and frontiers in the field of knowledge management. The Symposium consisted of paper presentation, dissertation exchange, keynote speech, poster and demonstration.

Md. Anwarul Islam, Chairman of ASIS&T SIG-KM, gave a welcome speech and introduced SIG-KM and its core members. Jeff M. Allen, a Regents Professor of Information Science and Director of the Center for Knowledge Solutions in the College of Information at the University of North Texas, President of the Knowledge & Information Professional Association (KIPA), presided over the Symposium.

In the session of paper presentation, teachers and students from the Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Johns Hopkins University, the Department of Business Administration of Tripura University, the Department of Library and Information Science of International Islamic University Malaysia, shared their research results on influencing factors of knowledge dissemination and sharing, influence of improper words on e-mail management, knowledge management in E-learning during the pandemic, and utilization of information literacy to promote post-traumatic growth, and had a heated discussion with participants.

In the session of dissertation exchange, graduate students from the School of Accounting, Information Systems & Supply Chain, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia, and the Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, shared their dissertations on topics, such as the analysis and decision-making practice of university libraries, the study of conflict views and overlapping consensus in emergencies, and the key literacy of second-generation immigrants, and answered questions from participants in detail.

In the keynote speech session, Suliman Hawamdeh, Professor at the College of Information, University of North Texas, gave a keynote speech entitled with Global Issues and the Need for Knowledge Management Research Agenda, which introduced the great inventions that changed the world and expounded the challenges at present. Professor Suliman Hawamdeh illustrated the process from discovery to naming of Spanish influenza, compared and contrasted it with COVID-19, and pointed out that knowledge management research should be combined with the world situation and global challenges.

In the poster and demonstration, scholars from the College of Information, University of North Texas, Kent State University, Simmons University displayed their research contents on the topics of sense of belonging and knowledge sharing tendency in organizations, gender inequality in knowledge economy, Project Oneness World: knowledge sharing in the life course of information scientists, Wisdom Constructs, and etc. Jessica M. Demay, a doctoral student of Kent State University, pointed out that recent studies have shown that females have the qualities and abilities to become ideal knowledge workers, but they are not in a dominant position at present. Naresh Kumar Agarwal, Chairman-elect of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), shared his Project Oneness World (http://www.projectonenessworld.com), which launched in 2018, and interviewed people from all walks of life and collected oral history, with the aim of collecting human stories through interviews to inspire others. Professor Jeff M. Allen put forward the Wisdom Constructs. He believes that wisdom is a uniquely human virtue combining compassion, intuition, knowledge, experience, and sound judgment to create a beneficial course of action for individuals, communities, and society.

The top three winners of papers, dissertations and posters were also selected at thesymposium.
