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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Cognitive Practice Activities for Undergraduates Major in E-commerce of the SIM

2021-07-16 15:51:39

From June 28 to 29, under the leadership of Min Zhang, Weiwei Yan and Xueqing Tan, the undergraduates of 2019 and 2020 major in E-commerce went to Zhuoer Holding Co., Ltd. and Wuhan East Lake Comprehensive Bonded Zone to carry out professional practice activities.

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Students first came to Hankou Commercial Museum. Following the commentator, the students walked through the preface, saw Panlong City, swam across the important town of the Yangtze River, and walked through the Hanzheng Street, where the real scene reappeared. They learned about the thousands of years of commercial development history of Wuhan. The museum also shows the latest technology of commerce. On the visual data analysis screen wall of the exhibition hall on the fourth floor, the transaction data of the e-commerce platformZhuoer Shoppingis updated in real time, showing the modern business logistics center built by Zhuoer Holding Co., Ltd. in the new era. Xianjun Ni, Executive Director of Zhuo'er Zhilian Group, introduced to the students that Zhuo'er Zhilian has built an architecture system of "B2B transaction service + supply chain service + digital technology cloud service" with "new trade mode" as the breakthrough point, and applied digital technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain. The students had a close understanding of the Industrial Internet.

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Then students came to the live Selection Center. As the saying goes, "It's hard to cook without rice". Without a good product, it's basically impossible to build a live studio with high attention and high sales. Taking some products as examples, the commentator told the students about the selection rules of live e-commerce. Students in a wide range ofinternet popular products, feltthe market power brought by live broadcast.

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In the Yangtze River Youth City, students visited the Mass EntrepreneurshipSpaceand learned about incubation projects. Alumnus and alumna who are now working at Zhuoer Group talked about their opportunities and turning points. They warmly welcome students from Wuhan University to start their own businesses and work here after graduation. “To keep the youth to stay in Wuhan is to keep the future of the city.” The successful marketing of products and projects turns into real productivity, makes the students excited, and also makes them see the vast future stage and unlimited potential of their own development.

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"Whether in study or in life, we should focus on interests, and then engage in various activities." Tianqi Cai, an alumna of Wuhan University who works at Zhuoer Zhilian Research Institute, held a lecture for students on the theme of Blockchain Technology and Its Applicationin the Investment Promotion Center of Hankou North E-commerce Building. In view of the problems raised by the students, such as how to improve their learning ability of technical issue, Tianqi Cai pointed out that they should participate in scientific research to train themselves and find out their own interests and positioning.

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In Wuhan East Lake Comprehensive Bonded Zone, after watching the publicity video of Hubei Cross-border E-commerce Supervision Center, students visited the inspection warehouse of cross-border e-commerce. Through the introduction of the complete process of cross-border commodity export and import inspection by the commentator, the students have personal experience of the process of cross-border e-commerce. In the interactive exchanges on the impact of the epidemic on cross-border e-commerce, the differences between cross-border e-commerce and postal customs, cold chain products and the biggest problems in promoting cross-border e-commerce, the students further deepened their understanding and cognition of cross-border e-commerce.

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Then, the students came to the first cross-border shopping plaza in Wuhan. In the plaza, the cross-border e-commerce products can be ordered and picked up on site, which saves the logistics and distribution link and realizes overseas shopping at home. All the goods in the store are directly purchased from overseas, which can not only guarantee the quality of the goods, but also offer preferential prices. Through the on-site demonstration and explanation by the staff, the students not only understood the relevant policies of the comprehensive bonded zone, but also experienced the O2O business process of cross-border e-commerce directly by themselves.

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So far, this professional cognitive practice activities has come to a successful conclusion. In a short period of two days, through visiting, theme sharing and free communication, the students have gained knowledge and experience in the fields of industrial digital transformation, big data platform, e-commerce live broadcast, cross-border e-commerce, etc., gained more profound understanding of the development and application prospect of e-commerce, and broadened their professional vision. At the same time, they firmly established the determination to devote themselves to the cause of digital economy.
