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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Luojia Students Forum on "Teaching and Learning Revolution"

2021-05-26 17:34:00

In order to enhance the efficiency of specialty construction and improve the quality of undergraduate education, the School of Information Management held a student forum on "Teaching and Learning Revolution" for undergraduate students on April 28. Qian Dai, CPC Deputy Secretary of SIM, Lihong Zhou,Associate Dean of SIM,and teachers from the undergraduate teaching management office, student management office and student cadres in charge of study of each class attended the meeting.Harelehax Habuletay,undergraduate counselor, presided over the meeting.

说明: IMG_256

Qian Huang, Head of the Study Department of SIM student union, briefed on the discipline inspection of the undergraduate in April. Then, student cadres in charge of study of each class spoke in turn on the issues of professional curriculum learning, learning discipline construction, teaching arrangement, graduation thesis, professional practice and so on. Freshmen focused on the problems related to professional diversion and the construction of learning discipline system, sophomores focused on professional cognition and visiting related enterprises, juniors focused on the relevant issues of professional practice and graduate student promotion and exemption policy, seniors focused on the related issues of graduation thesis defense. The teachers at the meeting answered the questions one by one.

Lihong Zhou said that we have collected many good suggestions and opinions from students on undergraduate teaching via this forum, the school would take the opportunity of the forum on "Teaching and Learning Revolution" to sort out students' teaching feedback and further study improvement measures, so as to achieve a good atmosphere of "teachers teach students well and students learn the course well". Qian Dai said that the school would continue to adhere to the student-centered principle, and relevant offices and student unions should build platforms to promote communication between teachers and students in a regular way, so as to jointly improve the quality of talent cultivation.
