
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Jiang Wu

2019-06-30 19:38:05



Jiang Wu

Academic / job titles

Associate Professor / Head of E-commerce Department

Contact Information


Room No



• Social Networks

• Online Health Community

• Social Commerce

• Informetrics

• Data Mining

• Social Simulation


• Social Network Analysis

• Webometrics

• Social Simulation


Journal Papers (International)

• Jiang Wu(#)(*),Distributions of scientific funding across universities andresearch disciplines,Journal of Informetrics,2015,2015(9):183-196

• Jiang Wu(#),Jin Miao,Ding Xiu-hao(*),Diversity of Individual Research Disciplines in Scientific Funding,Scientometrics, 2015 103(2): 669-686

• Yan Xu, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu*(corresponding author), Jianhua Zhang (2014), Nonlinear analysis on the cooperation of strategic alliances using stochastic catastrophe theory, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, in press

• Jiang Wu, Xiu-Hao Ding (2013), Author Name Disambiguation in Scientific Collaboration and Mobility Cases, Scientometrics, 96(3): 683-697.

• Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Yu Zhang (2013), Maximizing the Performance of Advertisements Diffusion: ASimulation Study of the Dynamics of Viral Advertising in Social Networks, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 89(8): 921-934.

• Jiang Wu (2013), Investigating the Universal Distributions of Normalized Indicators and Developing Field-Independent Index, Journal of Informetrics, 7(1), 63-71.

• Jiang Wu (2013), Geographical knowledge diffusion and spatial diversity citation rank, Scientometrics, 94(1): 181-201.

• Hou Zhu, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu, Xiaolin Hu (2013).Adaptation of Cultural Norms after Merger and Acquisition Based on Heterogeneous Agent-Based Relative-Agreement Model. Simulation: Society of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, doi:10.1177/0037549713508301

• Jiang Wu, Hou Zhu, Menglin Yin, Xin Luo (2012),A Review for the Validation of Social Simulationon Artificial Social Organization, International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems, 4(2), 22-41.

• Camille Roth, Jiang Wu, Sergi Lozano (2012),Assessing impact and quality from local dynamics ofcitation networks, Journal of Informetrics, 6(1): 111-120.

• Jiang Wu, Sergi Lozano, Dirk Helbing (2011),Empirical Study of Growth Dynamics in Real CareerH-index Sequences, Journal of Informetrics,5(4), 489-497.

• Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Yu Zhang, Steve Hall, Catherine Spence, Kathleen M. Carley (2009),An Agent based Simulation Study for Exploring Organizational Adaptation, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 85(6), 397-413. 9次

• Yu Zhang, Jiang Wu, Bin Hu (2009), A History Sensitive Diffusion Network: Preliminary Model and Simulation, International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, 14(1), 87-96.

• Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Jinlong Zhang (2008),Multi-agent Simulation of Group Behavior in E-GovernmentPolicy Decision, Journal of Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 16(10), 1571-1587.

Journal Papers (Domestic)

• Jiang Wu (2012), Strategic Alliance Network Analysis on Mobile Commerce of China Based on Internet Information, Chinese Journal of Intelligence, 31(9), 175-180.

• Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Jinlong Zhang (2011), Network analysis on the coordination between developers and source code in an open source software community, Chinese Science Research Management, 32(8), 133-141

• Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Yaobin Lu (2010), Empirical Relationships Simulation of IT/IS Diffusion, Journal of Management Sciences in China, 10, 22-32.

• Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Tianyin Liu (2009), A Simulation Study of the Impact of Interactive Memory System on Group-Task Interaction, Chinese Journal of Management Sciences, 22(1), 48-58

• Jiang Wu, Bin Hu (2009), Simulation of Interaction between Government Human Group and Information Technology, Chinese Journal of System Engineering, 24(2), 218-225.

Conference Papers (International)

• Jiang Wu, Duoyong Sun, Bin Hu (2009), Organizational Adaptive Behavior: The Complex Perspective of Individual-Task Interactions, The First International Conference on Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications, Shanghai, China.

• Duoyong Sun, Jiang Wu, Kathleen M. Carley (2009),Topological Analysis and Measurements of an Online Chinese Student Social Network, The First International Conference on Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications, Shanghai, China. 2次

• Sheng-pin Dong, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu (2008),Modeling and Simulation of Team Effectiveness From ThePerspective of Member-Task Interaction, Winter Simulation Conference, Miami, USA. 7次

• Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Kathleen M. Carley (2008),Empirical Data Driven Simulation on the Diffusion of an E-commerce System, World Congress on Social Simulation, George Mason University, Fairfax, USA.

• Jiang Wu, Bin Hu (2007), Modeling and Simulation of Group Behavior in E-government Implementation, Winter Simulation Conference, Washington D.C., USA. 5次

• Jiang Wu, Qing Zhuo, Wenyuan Wang (2004), Text Location Using Pulse Coupled Neural Network, International Symposium on Neural Networks, Aug 19-21, Dalian, China.

• Jiang Wu, Shaolin Qu, Qing Zhuo, and Wenyuan Wang (2002), Automatic Text Detection in Complex Color Image, International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Beijing, China. 16次

• Kun Zhou, Qionghai Dai, Jiang Wu, Guihua Er (2002), Fast tracking of semantic video object based on motion prediction and sub-region segmentation, International Conference on Image Processing, USA.


• *Jiang Wu (2012), Theory and Application of Social Network Dynamic Analysis and Simulation Experiments, Wuhan University Press (Book in Chinese).


• Award in the 3rd Teaching Competition at Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, 2010;
