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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


A Passionating Track and Field Sports Meet

2019-11-20 15:58:06

From November 15 to 16, the annual Track and Field Sports Meet of Wuhan University was held as scheduled in the warm sunshine. More than 6,000 athletes from 36 schools (departments) competed in 28 individual games and 4 group games.


At the opening ceremony on the morning of November 15, accompanied by the March of the Sports Meeting, 36 squares composed of various schools’ students of Wuhan University were dressed in school uniform. "School of Information Management with a history of 100 years, high morale, climb the peak, strive for glory.” Accompanied by inspiring slogans, students of School of Information Management marched through the rostrum in order to receive inspections from leaders and teachers of Wuhan University. After the entrance ceremony, all people stood up and sang the National anthem of the People's Republic of China. In the majestic melody of national anthem, the Five-star Red Flag in front of the administrative building was raised, and had been fluttering in the wind.



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The School of Information Management delegation team in the entrance ceremony.



说明: https://news.whu.edu.cn/__local/8/0D/E8/8E102DAD7BD55C854C038F51914_FECA75F1_77F2.jpg

The entrance ceremony.


说明: https://news.whu.edu.cn/__local/6/97/01/0CB9F5F38D021DEED4EB02C20BB_C6DD3C04_A887.jpg

The performance in the entrance ceremony.


In the opening address, President Xiankang Dou summed up the development and advancement of Wuhan University’s sports undertakings in the past one year. President Dou expressed that Wuhan University had constantly stressed that "a first-class university should have first-class physical education and sports culture",the University strongly advocated students to hone indomitable will and cultivate the spirit of unity and cooperation through sports. He urged all the athletes to give full play to the sportsmanship of "higher, faster and stronger" and show the true colors of youth against difficulties, the confidence of “who else but me”, the unity of team spirit and the spirit of fighting. He called upon all students to strengthen physical exercise while studying hard, and to "work for the homeland for 50 years in good condition".



说明: https://news.whu.edu.cn/__local/0/88/BA/9914AE898C7CE453690847A173B_ED0A2DD1_8BD5.jpg

At the opening ceremony of Track and Field Sports Meet of Wuhan University, 1,300 students perform the large-scaled group gymnastics -- Fitness Qigong: Baduanjin (a kind of martial arts).


说明: https://news.whu.edu.cn/__local/4/62/FD/5E26132ED4452F62D927C5B009D_149EC021_9989.jpg

Martial arts Kungfu fan performance.

说明: https://news.whu.edu.cn/__local/C/5F/29/218B3F99A7CC9C6CECFB6AA9DDC_A67C2CB1_9E61.jpg

Students perform Broadcast Gymnastics.


说明: https://news.whu.edu.cn/__local/1/FA/58/1C07941B57918C5A69790DEEF35_AFE3FDA1_4931B.png

The relay race.

说明: https://news.whu.edu.cn/__local/F/C4/13/4F44BBB981DEF13FD5727645AD0_049ECBB5_7509.jpg

Tug of war.



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Sprint race.

In the sprint race, Tongxi Liu of our school won the gold medal in the men's 200m game. Chenghan Yin won the eighth place in the men's 110m hurdles and Junhui Zhang won the seventh place in the women's 200m game. In the long-distance race, Zhe Cao won the 13th place in the women's 3000m final game and Zihao Xu won the 12th place in the men's 5000m game. In the fierce relay race, the women finished the fifth in the 4*100 meters and the men finished the second in the 4*100 meters.


说明: https://news.whu.edu.cn/__local/7/E8/0F/8AFD636F7AF87CB3CF3F2C2E58E_99B97CD3_8623.jpg

The long jump competition.


The athletes were ready to make a great leap in the long jump competition. In the high jump competition, Meiyi Liu of women's group ranked the 16th. Ziwei Han and Yuhan Jiang performed well in the women's shot put and finished the third and the sixth respectively. In the test of physical strength and unity in the competition, the athletes of the School of Information Management tried their best to be the first, showing the spirit of striving together and pursuing excellence of the school.


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Students and teachers of the School of Information Management.


Finally, the School of Information Management drew a perfect full stop for the Track and Field Sports Meet of Wuhan University with an excellent result of men's total score the 9th, women's total score the 9th and team total score the 10th.



Photography: Chendi Xu, Zhengyi Fang, Ziyi Wei

Text (in Chinese version): Di Zhou, Sihan Cai

Editor (in English version): Da Fang
