Supervised by: Ministry of Culture of PRC

Sponsored by:National Library of China
  Library Society of China

ISSN 1001-8867    CN 11-2746/G2

Research Librarians’ Experiences of Research Data Management Activities at an Academic Library in a Developing Country

Abstract: University libraries have archaeologically augmented scientific research by collecting, organizing, maintaining, and availing research materials for access. Researchers reckon that with the expertise acquired from conventional cataloging, classification, and indexing coupled with that attained in the development, along with the maintenance of institutional repositories, it is only rational that libraries take a dominant and central role in research data management and further their capacity as curators. Accordingly, University libraries are expected to assemble capabilities, to manage and provide research data for sharing and reusing efficiently. This study examined research librarians’ experiences of RDM activities at the UON Library to recommend measures to enhance managing, sharing and reusing research data. The study was informed by the DCC Curation lifecycle model and the Community Capability Model Framework (CCMF) that enabled the Investigator to purposively capture qualitative data from a sample of 5 research librarians at the UON Library. The data was analysed thematically to generate themes that enabled the Investigator to address the research problem. Though the UON Library had policies on research data, quality assurance and intellectual property, study findings evidenced no explicit policies to guide each stage of data curation and capabilities. There were also inadequacies in skills and training capability, technological infrastructure and collaborative partnerships. Overall, RDM faced challenges in all the examined capabilities. These challenges limited the managing, sharing, and reusing of research data. The study recommends developing an RDM unit within the UON Library to oversee the implementation of RDM activities by assembling all the needed capabilities (policy guidelines, skills and training, technological infrastructure and collaborative partnerships) to support data curation activities and enable efficient managing, sharing and reusing research data.

Keywords: research data, research data management activities, research librarians’ perceptions, academic libraries, developing countries
