Supervised by: Ministry of Culture of PRC

Sponsored by:National Library of China
  Library Society of China

ISSN 1001-8867    CN 11-2746/G2

Hybrid Intelligence in Big Data Environment: Concepts, Architectures, and Applications of Intelligent Service

Abstract: Based on the emerging concept of Hybrid Intelligence, this paper aims to explore a new model of humancomputer interaction, and deeply research on its development and application of Intelligent Service in the big data environment. It systematically explores the related academic concepts of hybrid intelligence, and establishes its architecture model. The development of hybrid intelligence is faced with cognitive differences, system fragmentation, humanmachine digital divide, and other issues. Strengthening the interaction between cognition and perception can be the key to break through the bottleneck. The intelligent service system based on the hybrid intelligent architecture takes knowledge fusion as the core, and cloud intelligent brain is making it possible for the humancomputer symbiosis driven by hybrid intelligence. The proposed advanced human computer interaction mode constructs a hybrid intelligent architecture model, enriches the concept system of humanmachine hybrid intelligence, and provides a new landing scheme for intelligent services based on complex scenes in the big data environment.

Keywords: humanmachine hybrid Intelligence, humanmachine interaction, artificial intelligence, knowledge fusion, intelligence service
