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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Our successful iConference2017 Conference host

2015-03-03 09:31:21

Feb.16th, 2015, Professor Michael Seadle, the chairman of iSchool, announced officially: iConference2017 will be held in Wuhan, organized by Wuhan University and Sungkyunkwan University jointly. This will be the first time that iConference be held in Aisa.

iConference is an academic conference which is the member of iSchool alliance. The world's leading information science college, and the dean of its core team iCaucus, and the vice president in charge of research ought to attend iConference every year. The conference is the top academic feast in the field of Library and Information Science, it aims at expanding the research field of information science and enrich the connotation of Information Science, and the screening program is strict (Paper employment proportion in 2015 is 36%).

It is reported that the audit this time is very complicated, after a total of 3 rounds of review, and five information Management Institutes of international class bid for the right to host. Three of them are from Europe, one is from North America and the other one comes from Asia. There will be more than 50 well-known experts and scholars from the world's top information management institutions. The successful application of the meeting will greatly promote the international exchange of our institutes with the world's high level University, and will expand the international influence and visibility of our institutes, it is significantly important to improve the international status of our institutes, scientific research teaching ability and so on.

Official website link of iSchool: (http://ischools.org/news/iconference-2017-wuhanskku/)
