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The faculty and students of our school attended 2018 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

2018-06-19 10:12:33

From June 3rd to 6th, 2018, 2018 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2018) was held in Fort Worth, Texas. The conference was hosted by College of Information, University of North Texas, and co-sponsored by School of Information Management, Wuhan University, the theme of which was “From Data to Wisdom: Resilient Integration across Societies, Disciplines, and Systems.” JCDL was jointly organized by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), which belonged to the top three international academic conferences in the studies of digital libraries, together with European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) and International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL).

Over 200 experts, scholars and students around the world attended the conference, and 26 long papers, 12 short papers and 48 posters were adopted, with 35% total adoption rate. In addition, 5 workshops and 11 doctoral forums were held.

14 teachers and students of our school attended the conference, the number of which was more than ever over these years, and they further extended the communications with the international scholars by reporting in the conference, organizing forums, and showing papers and posters.

Professor Huang Ruhua as the representative of the co-sponsor unit made an opening address to the international scholars about the history, status, scientific research and international communication achievements of our school, to show the strength and international influence of our school.

Professor Lu Wei, the deputy dean of our school, organized the workshop named “Image Collections: Creation, Organization, Access, and Use”, and presided over the discussion on the related theories, methods and technologies of the creation, organization, access and use of image collections. It was worth noting that Professor Lu Wei was in the first ten experts whose papers were adopted most in JCDL.

Professor Wu Dan was the chairman of the “Scientific Collections and Libraries” sub-forum.

Professor Zhou Lihong and Professor Deng Shengli both had one short paper report, and Professor Lu Wei and Professor Wang Xiaoguang had 3 posters to showcase. Besides, the faculty and students of our school had several workshop paper reports.

In the JCDL Steering Committee, On behalf of our school, Professor Wu Dan as the member of the Committee indicated the application of hosting JCDL 2020. The JCDL Steering Committee affirmed the academic influence and preliminary work of our school and showed its supportive attitude.


The group photo of the faculty and students of our school in JCDL 2018


Professor Huang Ruhua, the deputy dean of our school, made an opening address.


Professor Lu Wei, the deputy dean of our school, organized the workshop.


Professor Wu Dan presided over the sub-forum.
