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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Our School Held 2023 Autumn Work Arrangement Meeting

2023-10-17 10:25:01

On the afternoon of September 14, our School held faculty and staff meeting to arrange the work for the new semester. CPC Secretary Xingrong Fu, Dean Wei Lu and other leaders, faculty and staff attended the meeting. Xingrong Fu presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, Wei Lu summarized the School work in the first half of the year, conveyed the spirit of the Wuhan University Autumn Cadres Training Class and the Fourth Joint Meeting of Deans, and arranged the School’s key work in the second half of the year.

He pointed out that in the first half of the year, the whole School closely focused on the core work of the School, conscientiously implemented the annual work tasks, and achieved fruitful results in Party building, discipline construction, talent team building, scientific research, talent training, and domestic and international cooperation and exchanges.

In view of the key work in the second half of the year, he pointed out key issues as followings:

Firstly, we must adhere to the high-quality development of the School with Party building, and carry out a series of events in the 130th anniversary of Wuhan University, and the 40th anniversary of the Department of Publishing Science.

Secondly, we must continue to adhere to the strategy of strengthening the School with talents, vigorously promote organized scientific research, continuously expand resources, and promote the sustainable development of the School.

Thirdly, we should further promote general enrollment and training, and promote the comprehensive reform of undergraduate education.

Fourthly, we should further promote the development of international and domestic exchanges, and focus on the preparations for the ISKO 2024.

He hoped that the faculty and staff of the whole School will strengthen their responsibility, establish a sense of crisis, give full play to their own advantages, forge ahead and persevere.

Xingrong Fu reported the situation of the School’s Party building, conveyed the requirements of Wuhan University’s publicity and education work. He led all to study the ten rules of professional behavior of college and university teachers in the new era again to further strictly defined the bottom line, and stressed that we should always adhere to the "zero tolerance" for violations of teachers' morality and discipline.
