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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


New Year's Greetings in 2021

2021-01-14 11:27:53

Dear teachers, students, alumni and friends,

The spring breeze is coming again. On behalf of the Party committee and administration of the school, we would like to extend our sincere greetings to the leaders at all levels, alumni and friends from all walks of life and friends who have been concerned about and supported the construction and development of the school for a long time, to the retired teachers who have made good use of their ability, to all the staff who have worked hard and made contributions, and to the students who have worked hard and grown up. Best wishes for the New Year!

The year 2020 was an extremely unforgettable year. In this year, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, we united as one, won the victory of the war against COVID-19, and wrote a magnificent hymn. We still remember that the Party members and cadres in front of us rushed forward and set up a Party member commando to be on duty in Wuhan University’s apartment area, making the Party Flag fly high in the front line. Teachers and students insisted on classes suspended but learning continues, and fighting epidemic with scientific research, which highlighted our social responsibility and mission. Young students record the anti-epidemic songYouth Confesses the Motherland: I Believewhile they were in the center of the epidemic, and issued a proposal ofYoung People are Responsible for Fighting COVID-19 Togetherjoint with brother colleges and universities to the national library and information and archival management discipline young students. This activity aroused widespread concern and warm response. Most unforgettable, we have received many selfless assistance from school alumni and friends from all walks of life, encouraging us to move forward in the dawn of victory!

2020 was a year with extraordinary significance. This year, our school ushered in its 100th anniversary. We have carefully held nearly 100 academic activities around the theme of Development Forum of Library, Information and Data Science. More than 10,000 teachers, students, alumni and friends from all walks of life have reviewed the 100 year history of the school, summarized the achievements of the school, and showed the world the rich and profound cultural spirit and the enterprising spirit of school staff and faculty in the new era.

2020 was also a fruitful year. In this year, there were difficulties and challenges, and there were more steadfast and enterprising steps and high spirited upward strength. The 14th Five Year Plan is carefully formulated to lay out the future development of the school; the "double first-class" construction cycle summary was successfully completed, and the fifth round of discipline evaluation and professional degree level evaluation has been actively welcomed, and the discipline construction is steadily promoted. We have vigorously promoted the recruitment and assessment of all staff to stimulate the enthusiasm. We have introduced four people with talents, two teachers have been selected into the national talent plan, three teachers have been appointed by international academic organizations, and one teacher has won the Baosteel Excellent Teacher Award. The level of the teaching staff has been further enhanced. "Teaching and Learning Revolution", "Undergraduate Professional Quality Improvement Plan" series activities, "Research Methods for Library, Information and Archives Research Issues" and "Industry Tutors Forum" series lectures were brilliant. Two majors were selected as the national first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites, and four courses were selected as the first batch of national first-class undergraduate courses. The education oriented concept is more deeply rooted in the hearts of teachers. The total funds received for scientific research increased by 20% in such a difficult year. It was approved by the Ministry of Education for one major project, one major special project of the National Social Science Fund, and a number of national defense key projects. The number of projects approved by National Social Science Fund of China and National Natural Science Foundation of China ranked in the forefront of the humanities and social sciences related schools of Wuhan University. We won eight awards for Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research of Universities (Humanities and Social Sciences) of the Ministry of Education, ranking the highest in all previous years. The international top digital library joint conference JCDL2020 and the 2020 ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Regional Conference were successfully held, which were highly praised by international and domestic peers, and the academic status and influence of our school were further enhanced. The university and enterprise cooperation included Wuhan University and Taikang Online Property Insurance Co., Ltd. co-built "Insurance Data Intelligent Joint Laboratory" and Shenzhen Smart City Science and Technology Development Group Co., Ltd. and Wuhan University signed a cooperation agreement. These cooperation has promoted the deep integration of industry, university and research, and further expand the "circle of friends" of the school. Furthermore, we won the special prize of National Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship in E-commerce, first prize of National Chinese Classics Culture Protection and Inheritance Competition, second prize of National College Students' Network Editing Competition, gold award of Hubei Province Challenge Cup, Collective Pacesetter of Advanced Classes, advanced group of Sunshine Sports, Excellent Graduate Students’ Association, May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee, May 4th Red Flag Youth League Branch and more. The figure of students striving for progress was the most beautiful color of the school in 2020. In particular, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the school, Feizhang Peng and Mingkang Deng donated 1.5 million yuan for discipline construction and talent training. Their generous and selfless dedication has inspired many school alumni and friends from all walks of life to contribute to the development of the school's education, greatly stimulating the enthusiasm of teachers, students and our friends. All these achievements embody the wisdom and sweat of teachers, students, staff and friends of the school! Thank you for your outstanding contribution to the innovation and development of the school!

Looking forward to 2021, our school will usher in a new chapter in the next century, enter the medium-term stage of "double first-class" construction, and start a new journey of "the 14th Five Year Plan" construction. Challenge and opportunity coexist, glory and dream coexist. In the new year, let's stand at the coordinates and starting point of the new century, carry on the past and forge ahead hand in hand, condense our wisdom and strength into the central work of "double first class" construction, and strive to promote the development of various undertakings of our school with rock solid confidence, seize the day and persevere perseverance, so as to promote the construction of the school and make unremitting efforts to become the world's first-class comprehensive research-oriented School of Information Management!

I wish you a happy new year, good health, family happiness and all the best!

Xingrong Fu and Wei Lu

CPC Secretary and Dean

School of Information Management, Wuhan University

December 31, 2020
