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9 Achievements of Our School Won the 8th Excellent Achievement Awards of University Scientific Research (Humanities and Social Sciences)

2020-12-24 16:43:57

Recently, the 8th Excellent Achievement Awards of University Scientific Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) of the Ministry of Education was announced. 9 achievements were awarded. The applicants of the 9 achievements were as the followings: Professor Chuanfu Chen, Professor Wei Lu, Professor Xiaoguang Wang, Professor Ping Wu, Professor Ruhua Huang, Professor Quan Lu, Professor Yongqiang Sun, Professor Dan Wu, Professor Siluo Yang. The number of awards accounted for about 40% of the awards in the fields of library, information and archives.

Among the award-winning achievements, Chuanfu Chen's paperAn Exploration of Library's Normalized Transformation and Development Model for an All-round Well-off Society, Wei Lu’s paperStructural and Functional Identification of Academic Texts, Xiaoguang Wang’s paperAnalyzing Evolution of Research Topics with NEViewer: a New Method Based on Dynamic Co-word Networksand Ping Wu’s BookHistory of Chinese Editorial Thoughtwon the second prize of the paper awards. Ruhua Huang’s paperData Literacy Education: the Expansion of Information Literacy Education in the Era of Big Data, Quan Lu’s BookResearch on Visualization and Interaction of Image Semantic Informationwon the third prize. Yongqiang Sun’s paperLocation Information Disclosure in Location-based Social Network Services: Privacy Calculus, Benefit Structure, and Gender Differencesand Dan Wu’s bookMulti-language Network Learning Information Mining and Retrievaland Siluo Yang’s bookA Comparative Study on Knowledge Mapping of Library and Information Science Between China and Foreign Countrieswon the youth achievement awards.

It was reported that the Excellent Achievement Awards of University Scientific Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) is the outstanding achievements of the Ministry of Education in commending and rewarding university philosophy and social science workers, showing the major theoretical and practical achievements of university social sciences in serving the development of the Party and the country's cause, and promoting colleges and universities to accelerate the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics. The award is evaluated once every three years, and the competition is fierce. The final selected project has high gold content and is considered to be the most credible and influential award in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences in China.
