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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Professor Qing Fang’s Article on AIGC was Reprinted in Xinhua Digest

2023-09-07 15:25:38

Recently, the article Three Publishing Issues of Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC), originally published in Publishing Journal (in Chinese), Issue 2, 2023 by Qing Fang, Professor at our School, and Jingjia Ding, a doctoral student of our School, was reprinted in full by Xinhua Digest, Issue 13, 2023.

This article points out that the development of AIGC method and its application not only changes the content production paradigm and content supply model of publishing, but also brings risks and problems. It is proposed that we should focus on three publishing issues, namely, the copyright of AIGC (including ownership of rights, infringement, protection of rights, etc.), ethical issues (technical ethics and academic ethics anomie, etc.) and cultural security issues (further ideological infiltration and deviation of cultural values, etc.). In view of these three issues, this article puts forward a solution framework: on the copyright issue of AIGC, we can solve the rights ownership, infringement and rights protection of AIGC around the trinity of "scientific research, judicial practice and institutional framework"; On the issue of technical ethics anomie and academic ethics anomie of AIGC, we can realize the internal and external regulations of technical ethics and academic ethics of AIGC from the perspective of global governance pattern and collaborative governance concept. On the issue of AIGC cultural security, we should explore and establish a "state-leading, pluralistic governance" cultural security defense and management mechanism to form a cultural security guarantee system.

Xinhua Digest is a comprehensive, academic and informative semi-monthly digest sponsored by People's Publishing House. Its selected articles and excerpts represent the cutting-edge ideas in the field, and it is the reprint publication with the most academic influence in China.
