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The 5th National Forum for Young Scholars in Editing and Publishing Science

2023-08-28 15:04:45

The 5th National Forum for Young Scholars in Editing and Publishing Science was held in Wuhan University on July 15. More than 70 young scholars from 23 domestic universities and academic journals, including Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Nanjing University, gathered in Wuhan University to talk about publishing science research under the background of independent knowledge system construction.

Qing Fang, Professor and Dean of the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, Wuhan University, attended the Forum and addressed. He fully affirmed the significance and role of the Forum for Young Scholars in Editing and Publishing Science, expressed his understanding and support for the Editing and Publishing Education Committee, China Redactological Society, and extended a warm welcome to the experts and scholars attending the Forum. He hoped to take this Forum as an opportunity to actively participate in exchanges, maintain academic courage, academic wisdom and academic feelings, reap new achievements, and promote the continuous improvement of publishing science subject construction. Xiaoguang Wang, Professor and Associate Dean of the School of Information Management, Wuhan University, introduced the difficulties, challenges, opportunities and directions faced by publishing science subject in building a first-level subject.

In the roundtable session of Dialogue and Mutual Learning between Publishing Science Subject and Other Subjects, keynote reports were as followings:

Weidong Li, Professor, Director of the Big Data and National Communication Strategy Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, Executive Dean of the National Communication Strategy Research Institute of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, focused on Intelligent New Media Transformation in the Internet Age of Everything.

Wu Li, Director of the Digital Communication and Information Behavior Research Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Professor at the School of Media and Communication, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, focused on Application of Quantitative Research Methods in Publishing Science Research.

Yongqiang Sun, Deputy Director of the Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Professor at the School of Information Management, Wuhan University, focused on The Relationship between Theory and Method in Empirical Research.

Pengfei Wang, Professor and Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication, Henan University, on Problems and Methods of Publishing History Research in China.

Bo Chen, Professor and Executive Associate Dean of the National Institute of Cultural Development, Wuhan University, on Cultural Scene Theory and its Application.

Shiwen Wu, Professor and Associate Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication, Wuhan University, on Reflections on Internet History Research and its Methods.

Jie Xu, Professor and Director of the Department of Publishing Science of the School of Information Management, Wuhan University, presided over the roundtable.

This Forum also had five sub-forums, such as New Paradigm, New Methods and New Tools of Publishing Science Studies, Meta-Problems of Publishing Science and Study on Basic Theories of Publishing Science, Multi-dimensional Review of Fusion Development of Publishing Science, Study and Practice of Publishing Science with Digital Intelligence Empowerment, Study on Publishing History, Reading History and Reading Behavior from Multi-dimensional Perspectives. 24 young scholars from academia and industry gave wonderful reports.

The Forum issued an initiative to the young scholars of publishing science in China, calling on everyone to promote the construction of independent knowledge system of publishing science with Chinese characteristics, actively carry out academic research, and build an open, inclusive and promising community of young scholars in publishing science, so as to promote publishing science academic research and realize the grand goal of high-quality development of the publishing industry.

The 5th National Forum for Young Scholars in Editing and Publishing Science was sponsored by the Editing and Publishing Education Committee, China Redactological Society, undertaken by the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the School of Information Management, Wuhan University, and co-organized by the Department of Publishing Science of the School of Information Management, Wuhan University, the Key Laboratory of Semantic Publishing and Knowledge Service of the National Press and Publication Administration, and the Intelligent Computing of Cultural Heritage, Philosophy and Social Sciences Laboratory of the Ministry of Education. And the Forum was supported by many academic journals. The Forum built a platform for young scholars to show themselves and communicate with each other, injected new vitality into the long-term development of the publishing science subject, and showed the prosperity and broad prospects of the publishing science.
