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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Outstanding Alumni Xuzhou Zhou Returned to His Mother School and Gave a Keynote Speech

2020-11-16 16:44:11

On the afternoon of October 30, Xuzhou Zhou, a graduate of our school and an outstanding alumni of our university, returned to the mother school and gave a keynote speech entitledSeize the Opportunity of China, Create the Ultimate Life -- Our Story and Your Futurefor the teachers and students.

People attended the activity were as followings:

Ping Wu,Vice President of Wuhan University,

Feicheng Ma, Senior Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences of Wuhan University,

Chuanfu Chen, Dean of the Graduate School,

Xiaomei Deng, Director of Alumni Affairs and Development Liaison Office,

Wentao Zeng, Vice President of Alumni Entrepreneur Association of Wuhan University, and CEO of Zhongjia Capital (Wuhan) Investment Management Co., Ltd. ,

Xingrong Fu, CPC Secretary of the School of Information Management, Wuhan University,

Wei Lu, Dean of the School of Information Management, Wuhan University, and other members of leadership of the School of Information Management. More than 110 representatives of teachers and students attended the ceremony.

Wei Lu presided over the activity.

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Xuzhou Zhou described the process and experience of studying in Wuhan University, political experience, starting a business independently, helping alumni and nurturing his alma mater by six stories, which wereLuojia: a Place for Dreams, Payment for Articles: My First Bucket of Gold, Three Million Miles, Clouds and Moon, U-Home Group: My World, Alumni: My Team and Partner, Back to Wuhan University.

"It was the School of Information Management of Wuhan University that gave me my first dream in life!" Xuzhou Zhou first reviewed his years of studying in Wuhan University. He said that the encyclopedic education in his mother school has benefited him a lot, and he has developed the habit and mode of thinking and researching problems frequently, and his logical thinking and word processing ability have been trained and improved. With these accumulation and personal courage, Xuzhou Zhou resigned his work in government and "went to the sea" in the early 1990s to establish U-Home Group, striving to do more practical things for the country and society.

"Entrepreneurship is the spirit of never slacking off," said Xuzhou Zhou. The formation of this spirit was inseparable from the cultivation of his alma mater. With the gratitude to his alma mater and the sense of social responsibility of entrepreneurs, he and many alumni actively gave back to the alma mater, offer advice and donate money and materials, establish Wuhan University Talent Introduction Fund, Luojia White Angel Fund, and etc., and contribute to make his alma mater become a world-class university as soon as possible.

One hundred years of change, only self-improvement can adapt to the times. "Everyone should share the same boat with the People’s Republic of China in the changing situation," Xuzhou Zhou pointed out. We should seize China's opportunity, pool China's strength and create China's miracle. He believed that "digitization is the flowing and changing knowledge information, and is the dynamic and intelligent information flow". In the digital era, we should treat the development of disciplines and specialties with changing thinking. We should pay attention to the way of knowledge and information transmission, bravely establish the current digital era opportunity, innovate the mode, and keep pace with the times.

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"Every reality today was once my dream full of longing. Every dream we have today may become a magical story of tomorrow. " Xuzhou Zhou was full of deep feelings for young students and he hoped that they should walk with outstanding people, constantly improve themselves; to pay attention to cultivate the ability to think, research and solve problems, face the society, face the future, and integrate knowledge and practice; strengthen self-cultivation, upward, merits, unremitting efforts, so as to make themselves better and life better.

In a relaxed and active atmosphere, Xuzhou Zhou also expressed his own views on the students' career planning, employment prospects, innovation and entrepreneurship. Finally, Chuanfu Chen presented Xuzhou Zhou with the certificate of "Keynote Speaker of High-end Forum for Alumni of School of Information Management of Wuhan University", and the activity was successfully concluded in warm applause.

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