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Wuhan University,
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2019 Library, Information and Archives Management Postgraduate Education Forum and Young Scholars Forum was Held at Wuhan University

2019-12-10 16:28:55

On the morning of December 7, the 2019 Library, Information and Archives Management Postgraduate Education Forum and Young Scholars Forum was grandly opened in the Academic Lecture Hall of Wuhan University Library.


Professor Wei Lu, Associate Dean of School of Information Management presided over the opening ceremony. Xuemei Zhao, Deputy Secretary of Wuhan University CPC, gave a welcome address. She put forward some proposals to experts and scholars, she said that teachers should not forget the teachers' original intentions and fulfil the mission of fostering civic virtue and teaching and educating people, and should be committed to training all-round talents. Besides, teachers need to insist on information management thinking and data science methods to solve the key issues faced in the construction of the national information society and the governance system, integrating professional development with national development.




Xuemei Zhao, Deputy Secretary of Wuhan University CPC, gives a welcome address.

 Feicheng Ma, Senior Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences at Wuhan University, emphasized in his speech that the discipline of Library Information and Archives Management should keep pace with the times and accept new ideas on the basis of firm professional core goals while continuing to integrate across borders; Huiling Feng, First-level Professor at Renmin University of China, the convener of the Library Information and Archives Management Discipline Review Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, pointed out in her speech that in the information age, the Library Information and Archives Management disciplines entered an active period. Therefore, young teachers should use a broader perspective to cultivate cross-cutting abilities and use new technologies, new thoughts and new ideas to lead the discipline to develop in a better direction; Professor Qing Fang, Dean of the School of Information Management, quoted the famous saying "young people are like the sun at eight or nine in the morning" to express the hope of young scholars to shoulder the future of discipline development.


Feicheng Ma, Senior Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences at Wuhan University, gives a speech.


Huiling Feng, First-level Professor at Renmin University of China, the convener of the Library Information and Archives Management Discipline Review Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, gives a speech. 


Professor Qing Fang, Dean of the School of Information Management at Wuhan University, quotes the famous saying "young people are like the sun at eight or nine in the morning".


This forum aimed to promote domestic experts and young scholars of Library Information and Archives Management to jointly discuss the education and cultivation of postgraduate students; through the establishment of a platform to provide young scholars with opportunities for exchange and demonstration, and promote the development of disciplines.


Professor Huiling Feng at Renmin University of China, Professor Lixin Xia, Vice President at Central China Normal University, Professor Jianjun Sun, Dean of the School of Information Management at Nanjing University, Professor Jingli Chu, Director of the Department of Library, Information and Archive Management at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Chuanfu Chen, Dean of the Graduate School of Wuhan University and other ten Experts made keynote speech at the conference.


The forum attracted more than 400 experts, scholars, industry professionals and postgraduates from nearly 100 universities, libraries and research institutions across the country. The two-day conference included the theme report of the Education Forum, the theme report of the Youth Forum, the Deans and Directors’ Forum, the 39 Young Scholars' Meeting, Poster demonstration, sub-forums, buffet organized by Journal center, new books exchanges, special seminars, and etc. The reading ceremony of the journal acceptance papers was also held.


The forum was organized by Wuhan University and National Steering Committee for professional degree graduate education of Library and Information Science, and undertook by the School of Information Resources Management in Renmin University of China, Information Resources Research Center of our school, Library, Information and Archives Management 39 young scholars salon and our school. It was also supported by 22 journals such as Journal of Library Science in China, Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, Archives Science Study, and Document, Information & Knowledge.
