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Wuhan University,
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Associate Prof. Ying Huang, a Young Teacher at Our School, Published his Research Result in Nature Biotechnology

2019-10-08 17:08:30


On October 2, 2019, Nature Biotechnology, an international authoritative journal, published “Collaborative Networks in Gene Editing” online via Data Page. The paper's first author Ying Huang is a young associate professor at our school, and Wuhan University was listed as the first research institute. The paper's co-authors included Prof. Alan L. Porter at Georgia Institute of Technology and Dr. Yi Zhang at University of Technology Sydney, and the corresponding author was Prof. Rodolphe Barrangou at North Carolina State University, who is also a member of National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering of the US. 

This study built a retrieval strategy based on core keywords. The authors collected 15,092 research papers and reviews related to gene editing from the Web of Science since 2000, and used bibliometrics and social network analysis to present the trends of paper publication in the research field of gene editing over the years, the overview of major countries, cooperation patterns of core authors and distribution characteristics of important disciplines. The paper made a visual analysis and representation of the current research on gene editing from a quantitative point of view.



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 This picture shows the global geographical contributions to gene editing research. Leading countries and key research institutions in gene editing research are profiled, indicating a global competition in the field.

Nature Biotechnology is a sub-journal of Nature which is an internationally renowned academic journal, with an influence factor of 31.864 in 2018 and an influence factor of 45.117 in the last five years, and listed secondly among the 162 journals in the field of biotechnology and applied microbiology of JCR. 

The full-text reference format is: Huang, Y., Porter, A., Zhang, Y., and Barrangou, R. (2019). Collaborative networks in gene editing, Nature Biotechnology, 37(10), 1107-1109, doi:10.1038/s41587-019-0275-z.
