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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


The Successful Founding Meeting of SIM Branch of WHU Alumni Association in Shenzhen

2017-10-27 09:43:18

In the afternoon on May 20th, 2017, the founding meeting of the branch of School of Information Management (SIM) of Wuhan University Alumni Association in Shenzhen was held in PKU-HKUST Shenzhen – Hong Kong Institution in Shenzhen. Huang Taiyan, the deputy secretary of the CPC Committee of WHU, Chen Chuanfu, the director of Graduate School of WHU, Fu Xingrong, the CPC secretary of SIM at WHU, Fang Qing, the dean of SIM, Hu Wei, the CPC deputy secretary, Huang Ruhua and Zhou Yaolin, the associate deans of SIM, Fang Guowei, the head of Guangdong Institute of WHU, Liu Sainan, the deputy secretary of WHU Alumni Association and other people attended the meeting. Zhang Keke, Wang Mei, Zou Zhenhua and other over 200 alumni of SIM in Shenzhen as well as the administration of other branches of WHU Alumni Association in Shenzhen, the alumni of SIM branch of WHU Alumni Association in Guangzhou participated in the founding meeting as well. The meeting was hosted by Zhang Xiangrong, the deputy secretary of the SIM branch of WHU Alumni Association in Shenzhen and Yao Dan, an alumna of SIM.


Zhou Rong, the secretary of the branch introduced the arrangement details about the SIM branch of WHU Alumni Association in Shenzhen, and Wu Rongfeng, Zou Zhenhua and Wang Mei, the executive vice presidents introduced and passed the Treaty of SIM Branch of WHU Alumni Association in Shenzhen, Rules of Procedure of SIM Branch of WHU Alumni Association in Shenzhen as well as the Annual Work Plan. Wu Xian, Lu Suxin, Du Qinsheng, Wang Dake and He Chunhua were elected as honorary presidents of the SIM branch of WHU Alumni Association in Shenzhen. Zhang Keke was chosen as the president of the SIM branch, and Wu Rongfeng, Wang Mei and Zou Zhenhua were elected as the executive vice presidents. Zhou Yingxiong, Liu Jicheng, Yu Yuyang, Zhu Deming, Ma Jie, He Jiangtao, He Jun, Lin Wei, Wang Wenbing, Ye Jianhua, Ke Xudong, Cao Guanghao and Li Xiaohua were chosen as vice presidents, and Zhou Rong was elected as the secretary. Wu Hongmei, Zhang Xiangrong, Zhang Ziqiang, Gu Nanhui, Yao Dan were elected as deputy secretaries, and Fan Xuejun and other seven persons were chosen as the council members of the SIM branch.

Representatives of the alumni from the branches of School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, School of Journalism and Communication, School of Law, School of Medicine and School of Finance congratulated on the founding of the SIM branch in a form of recitation.

Fang Qing, the dean of SIM, showed his congratulation on the founding of the SIM branch of WHU Alumni Association in Shenzhen and briefly introduced the achievements of such aspects as discipline development, scientific research, teaching staff, talent training, internationalization development and social service. He hoped that the SIM branch of WHU Alumni Association in Shenzhen could strengthen the tie among alumni from SIM, and achieved development and progress together with the school.


Chen Chuanfu, the director of the Graduate School, said that in spite of changes, the faculty and students of SIM at WHU still kept pace with the times and made progress. Shenzhen was where many alumni of SIM lived and worked, and they made contribution and achieved success in different posts, which not only showed the demeanor of the SIM alumni, but made contribution to the society and won honor for SIM.


Zhang Keke, the president of the SIM branch delivered an impassioned speech, in which he said that the alumni of SIM could be found in all walks of life, and after the founding of the SIM branch, he would manage the branch well to serve all the alumni according to the command of the school and the WHU Alumni Association.


Huang Taiyan, the deputy secretary of the CPC Committee of WHU, expressed his warm congratulation on behalf of WHU and all the faculty and students, and introduced the achievements in talent training, scientific research and social service from such aspects as overall situation of WHU, the scale and structure of the university as well as the development strategy. He affirmed the superior status of SIM at WHU, and hoped that the SIM branch in Shenzhen further coped with the contact between all the alumni, built the communicative platform between the alumni and WHU which was always the harbor of all the alumni.


Finally, Huang Taiyan, the deputy secretary of the CPC Committee of WHU, Chen Chuanfu, the director of the Graduate School, Fu Xingrong, the CPC secretary of SIM at WHU and Fangqing, the dean of SIM witnessed the flag presentation made by Fang Guowei, the head of Guangdong Institute of WHU, and Liu Sainan, the deputy secretary of WHU Alumni Association.

