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Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


The Visit of Members of Macao Library & Information Management Association to SIM

2017-10-27 10:18:25

From June 3rd to 4th in 2017, Wang Guoqiang, the president of Macao Library & Information Management Association, together with other 13 members came to visit School of Information Management (SIM). Accompanied by the leadership and the faculty of SIM, they took a visit to the university library, Wanlin Art Museum, the history museum and the branch library of SIM, as well as Hubei Provincial Library and the Tanghu Library.

At 4:30 p.m. on June 3rd, Professor Wu Dan, the director of Library Science Department, showed President Wang Guoqiang around to the university library, and Wang Furong who worked in the university library showed President Wang Guoqiang and other members the study area for students, the reading area, the new books exhibition area, the multimedia reading room, the shared space for study and so on, and made a brief introduction anout the collections of the library, the reader structure and the resource utilization. As Jingling Academy of Painting was holding an art exhibition in Wanlin Art Museum, the volunteers at the museum told President Wang Guoqiang and the members about the exhibition.

At about 6 p.m., accompanied by Huang Ruhua, the associate dean of SIM, President Wang Guoqiang and other members visited the history museum and the branch library of SIM. The student volunteer of the history museum introduced the historical evolvement from Boone Library to Boone Library School to School of Information Management, and showed the manuscripts and other historical stuff of Madam Wei Dihua, Mr. Shen Baorong and other alumni of Boone Library School. President Wang Guoqiang enthusiastically left a message there. After that, Kou Jihong, the vice director of the branch library, introduced to President Wang Guoqiang and other members the situation of the branch library, and led them to the precious collection room of Boone Library School.

In the morning on June 4th, accompanied by Tang Yi, a teacher in SIM, President Wang Guoqiang and other members visited Hubei Provincial Library. Liu Jiemin, the vice library curator, greeted them enthusiastically and made a detailed introduction about the library collections, the number of library visitors, facility construction and other aspects. Later on, on behalf of Macao Library & Information Management Association, President Wang Guoqiang exchanged gifts with Liu Jiemin, the vice library curator. Both parties hoped that they could establish long-term cooperation and communication in the aspects of resource construction, managerial experience and user service.

In the afternoon on June 4th, again accompanied by Tang Yi, President Wang Guoqiang and other members took a visit to Tanghu Library, the so-called Most Beautiful Grassroots Library, in which Zhang Zhenyou greeted them and gave an introduction about the library. They also exchanged gifts with each other, and expressed the wish to have a further communication and cooperation.

The visit of members of Macao Library & Information Management Association further has promoted the cooperation and communication between SIM and Macao Library & Information Management Association, and the two parties will launch multifaceted and all-round cooperation in school operation, scientific research and talent cultivation, in order to improve the development of the libraries in the areas of Macao.


President Wang Guoqiang in Wanlin Art Museum


President Wang Guoqiang left a message at the history museum of SIM.
