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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Beyond Keywords: Untangling Emergent Search Strategies by Professor Chee-Wee Tan

2023-07-04 11:26:25

At the invitation of the Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, and our School, on the morning of June 26, Chee-Wee Tan, Professor at the Department of Digitalization in Copenhagen Business School, came to the School for an exchange, accompanied by Bingqing Xiong, Assistant Professor at Deakin University.

Professor Lu An, Professor Yiming Zhao, Dr. Yang Liu and some doctoral students participated in the exchange, and Associate Professor Jun Zhang presided over the event.


Chee-Wee Tan gave an academic report entitled Beyond Keywords: Untangling Emergent Search Strategies. Starting with TripAdvisor and Dianping, based on the optimal foraging theory, Chee-Wee Tan contextualized three foraging behaviors, which are turning, moving and pausing, involved in the theory to the online platform, and proposed three adaptive search strategies, namely, orienting, browsing and examining. Then, he put forward a novel research framework from the perspective of transformation, built a catering search platform, and designed a series of experiments to manipulate different search features and search task types. Finally, with the help of Bayesian process modeling and Markov model, he verified the hypothesis. This study extends the optimal foraging theory in ecology to online platforms, puts forward a series of adaptive search strategies, reveals the effects of different search features and search strategies on search performance, and provides evidence and guidance for consumers' search strategy selection and search feature design of online platforms.


Chee-Wee Tan's report has a unique research perspective and interesting, which has inspired the teachers and students to think about user search strategy, theoretical contextualization, process modeling and experimental design. After the report, the teachers and students had active and in-depth exchanges and discussions, and the atmosphere was warm and achieved good communication results.
