
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


2023 New Year Address

2023-01-06 14:09:57

Dear teachers, students, schoolfellows and friends,

The seasons change in a year, and the new year begins again. On the occasion of farewell to 2022 and welcoming 2023, on behalf of the Party Committee and the administration team of the School, we would like to extend our sincereNew Yeargreetings andbest wishesto leaders at all levels, schoolfellows and friends from all walks of life who have supported the development of the School for a long time, to retiredcomradeswho makegreat achievements in their old age,to all the faculty and staff who work hard andmake contributions,and to all the students who study hard and thrive to success!

2022 is an extraordinary year.

We celebrated the grand opening of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, witnessed the glory of the CPC's century-long struggle and the epic development of the country, studied and understood the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC profoundly, deepened our study, thinking and practice constantly, and advanced on the road of high-quality development courageously.

We carried out the practical activity with the theme ofGoing to the Grass-Roots Level, Observing People's Situation, Solving People's Worries, and Warming People's Hearts, persist in doing practical things, doing good things and solving difficult problems for teachers and students, and gather a strong power to promote the high-quality development of the School.

Go all out to participate in Wuhan University’s epidemic prevention assignment. Dozens of CPC member commandos charged in the first line, and more teachers and students supportedbehind them. We built a solid barrier for epidemic prevention and control together, composed an impassioned anti-epidemic battle song, which gathered the majestic strength of the whole School to forge ahead bravely.

2022 is a proud year.

Wearefull of vim and vigour, work hard and strive for perfection. Guided by Wuhan University’s high-quality development strategy and aiming at excellence, we promote the 14th Five-Year Plan and a new round of world-class discipline construction plan to come into effect.

The School has made gratifying achievements in various undertakings, scored new achievements in discipline evaluation, and ranked the sixth in the world in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)!

Over the past year, we have kept in mind the fundamental task of educating people for the Party and cultivating talents for the country, and concentrated on creating new glories.

Adhere to teaching as the foundation, revise the teaching education program, improve the key points of teaching, promote the improvement project of teachers' teaching ability continuously, and has won many awards such as the special prize of provincial teaching achievement, and the provincial excellent grass-roots teaching organization. The teaching quality has been improved steadily.

We have insisted on the training of innovative talents, and won three national special prizes in the China National College Student "Innovation, Originality and Entrepreneurship" Challenge, the national first, second and third prizes in the China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, provincial one gold, one silver and one bronze in the China International College Students' "Internet +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, provincial silver prize in the “Challenge Cup” National Undergraduate Curricular Academic Science and Technology Works by Race, and achieved good results in the China Postgraduate IC Innovation Competition, in the Artificial Intelligence Innovation Competition, and in the China Graduate Contest on Smart-city Technology and Creative Design.

One student won the ACM CCS 2022 Best Paper Honorable Mention, two students were funded by the China Association for Science and Technology for the 2022 Postgraduate Science Popularization Ability Enhancement Projects, there were only two students got this funding in Wuhan University.

To cultivate outstanding students who are all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique, arts and work. One student’s story was in the theme exhibition Promising and Fearless of New Youth in the New Era, which celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, and he was awarded as Hubei Provincial Aspiring Youth. One student was awarded as the Wuhan University Top Ten Outstanding Youth (Students), one student was awarded as the Wuhan University Top Ten Students, School women's volleyball won Championship, School men's volleyball got the fourth in 2022 Wuhan University "Torch Cup" Students Volleyball Match. Struggling upward SIM students are the most beautiful scenery in the School.

Over the past year, we have been adhering to the SIM motto, which is "pioneering creation, pragmatic entrepreneurship, leading innovation", and have concentrated on writing a new chapter of development.

Expand new space for discipline development. Added one national first-class undergraduate specialization construction site, explored the uninterrupted education of the undergraduate-graduate-doctorpilot class majored in Digital Culture for the first time, promoted the pilot class of Global Governance of Sino-French Digital Memory and Archival Heritage actively, is in the list of the High-quality Construction Plan of the National First Batch of Publishing Think Tanks, and be approved to set up Wuhan Data Intelligence Research Institute and jointly build the Sino-French Digital Culture and Heritage Research Center with the French Embassy in China. The prospect of discipline development is even broader.

Implementing the concept of strengthening the School with talents, one teacher was newly elected as senior professor of Humanities and Social Sciences at Wuhan University, seven teachers were newly in the list of various high-level talents programs, and three teachers has served in top international academic organizations from this year. Talent phalanx has been further consolidated.

Practice the original intention of scientific research to serve the country, and get the approval of 14 major and key projects such as Innovation 2030-"New Generation Artificial Intelligence" Major Project funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Major Projects of the National Social Science Fund of China, Key Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and National Defense Science and Technology projects. The accumulated scientific research funds of this year have exceeded 30 million CNY for the first time, achieving a historic breakthrough. The School teachers published 57 papers in JCR Q1, and one book was selected into the National Achievements Library of Philosophy and Social Sciences. A large number of SIMers’ scientific research achievements stepped onto the forefront of the world.

Tell the story of China, further deepen the cooperation with dozens of well-known universities in many countries around the world, and host many international well-known academic conferences successfully, such as ASIS&T SIG-KM 2022, and further enhance the School’s international influence.

With the heart of the country is the most important, we have provided nearly 30 suggestions to provincial and ministerial, and national organizations for government’s policy-making, and one article has been indexed, adopted and quoted by many authoritative organizations in the world, such as the World Health Organization, UNESCO, etc., and has received attention from the international community; Digital intelligence’s empowerment on scientific and technological innovation, digital culture and rural revitalization, research and development platform software, application of more than 10 patents and software copyright; Continue to promote the transformation of scientific research achievements, and realize the transformation revenue of over 2 million CNY for the first time, demonstrating the social responsibility and mission of the SIMers.

Teachers, students, schoolfellows and friends, every achievement of the School is inseparable from your struggle and dedication, and every highlight moment has your figure and strength. We would like to extend our sincerest respect and heartfelt thanks to all SIMers and friends who care about and support the development of the School!

The broad tidal shore encourages people to advance, and the wind is sailing.

2023 is the first year of China's full implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, the beginning of a new journey of building a socialist modernized country in an all-round way, and the year of the 130th anniversary of Wuhan University.

The new journey is full of glory and dreams. Guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, under the strong leadership of the Party Committee of Wuhan University, "roll up our sleeves and work hard" with the unique drive and fighting spirit of the SIMers, Let’s gather together and forge ahead courageously, and constantly make new achievements and create new glories in the cause of building a world-class discipline of information resource management!

We sincerely wish you all a happy, healthy and safe, and successful New Year!

Xingrong Fu, CPC Secretary of the School of Information Management, Wuhan University

Wei Lu, Dean of the School of Information Management, Wuhan University

December 31, 2022
