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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


The Second Information Visualization Workshop

2022-12-30 17:21:29

From November 26 to 27, Experts Forum of the secondInformation Visualization Workshopwas successfully held virtually. It was organized by our School, Wuhan University Library, the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Association of Science of Science and S&T Policy Research, Scientometrics and Informetrics Committee of the Chinese Association of Science of Science and S&T Policy Research, Science and Education Management and Evaluation Center of Wuhan University, and the Department of Library Science of our School.

The theme of this event wasAnalysis and Visualization of CiteSpace Scientific Text Data, which was given byJie Li, Associate Researcher at Chinese Academy of Sciences.

More than 1,600 people from more than 430 institutions at home and abroad, including universities and colleges, research institutes and libraries, signed up, and the number of online live viewers exceeded 5,000.

Wei Lu, Dean of the SIM, Wuhan University, attended the event and delivered a speech.

Siluo Yang, Professor at the SIM, Wuhan University, presided over the opening ceremony, andLin Zhang, Professor at the SIM, Wuhan University, presided over the closing ceremony.

At the opening ceremony,Wei Luemphasized the important role of information visualization in the age of digital intelligence, and expounded the vision of the School to launch theInformation Visualization Workshop,hoping that it would become an exchange platform for academic researchers and students to learn together, and have a great influence.Siluo Yanggave an introduction to a series of lectures ofInformation Visualization Workshop, and details of this workshop.

On November 26,Jie Lisharedthe foundation of CiteSpace, focusing on the principles and methods of CiteSpace. Firstly, he introduced the theory and method of scientometrics and knowledge map, then introduced the download, installation and functionsof CiteSpace, avisualizationtool, and analyzed the common problems in the installation and software errors. Then, he introduced and demonstrated how to get paper data from CNKI, CSSCI, Web of Science, Scopus and other databases and import it into CiteSpace for data processing, analysis and visualization.

On November 27,Jie Lishared the advanced use of CiteSpace, focusing on the operation of CiteSpace.Jie Liintroduced how to use CiteSpace to build discipline knowledge map, analyze discipline hotspots and reveal cutting-edge trends from four aspects: network analysis of scientific research cooperation, co-occurrence analysis of subject and field of scientific research texts, co-citation analysis of scientific research texts and overlay analysis of knowledge map of scientific research texts. During the communication session, he answered the questions raised by the teachers and students in detail. In the interactive session, the teachers and students participated in the lucky draw, and 10 lucky participants were awarded books signed by Jie Li.

At the closing ceremony,Lin Zhangmade a summary of the event. From the perspective of being the editor-in-chief of an international academic journal,Lin Zhangemphasized the problem-driven nature of scientific research, and pointed out that information visualization tools such as CiteSpace should pay special attention to the combination with specific research problems in their respective fields, so as to produce valuable results.Lin Zhangannounced the theme collection results of the Experts Forum of the third Information Visualization Workshop to be held in 2023, and express her sincere gratitude to the keynote speaker, working staff and teachers and students attending the workshop, and look forward to seeing them again next year.

The Information Visualization Workshop wasinitiated byYing Huang, Associate Professor at the SIM, Wuhan University. It includes Experts Forum, Exhibition of Students' Academic Research Achievements, and Exhibition of Scientific Research Map Selection. Among them, the Experts Forum aims to introduce and share the current mainstream and leading data analysis and visualization methods and tools via a series of public sharing meetings, so as to improve the professionalism of relevant people in carrying out scientific research and knowledge services.
