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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


2022 Final Defense Meeting of College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Projects

2022-11-04 17:37:02

At noon on September 29, the School held the2022 Final Defense Meeting of College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Projects.

12 teachers, including members of the SIM undergraduate teaching supervision team, members of the SIM undergraduate teaching steering committee and representatives of the instructors of the college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship projects, served as judges of the Defense Meeting.

33 teams participated in the defense, including 10 national-level projects and 23 provincial-level projects. Each team reported on the implementation of the project plan, the use of funds, practical results, innovations and application values, and the gains and experiences in the process of project implementation. The judges commented and raised questions, providing suggestions for the continuous improvement and deepening of the project. In the interaction between teachers and students, the creativity flashed out, highlighting a good innovative atmosphere.

The 33 teams completed the final defense successfully, and the students took this opportunity to further develop their scientific research thoughts and learn scientific research methods. Most of them said that participating in college students' innovation and entrepreneurship projects was an effective way to strengthen scientific research ability training and enhance innovative thinking, and they have benefited a lot from it.
