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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


A Meeting on the Construction of Scientific Research Platform and Think Tank

2022-05-03 11:58:01

In order to improve the quality of scientific research platform and think tank construction in our school, on April 15, our school held a meeting on the construction of scientific research platform and think tank.

People attended the meeting were as followings:

Qing Fang, Dean of the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, Wuhan University,

Xiaokun Li, Associate Dean of the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, Wuhan University,

Shiyin Chen, Deputy Director of the Platform Construction Department, Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, Wuhan University,

Chuanfu Chen, Senior Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences at Wuhan University,

Yongping Xiao, Dean of the Academy of International Law and Global Governance, Wuhan University,

Wei Lu, Dean of the SIM, Wuhan University,

Xiaoguang Wang, Associate Dean of the SIM,Wuhan University,

and representatives of scientific research institutions and heads of departments attended the meeting.

Jiang Wu, Associate Dean of the SIM,Wuhan University, presided over the meeting.

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Building a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics is an important strategy deployment made by the CPC Central Committee based on the overall cause of the Party and the state. Xiaokun Li indicated the purpose of coming to the SIM for investigation, expounded the important strategic significance of building a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics in colleges and universities, and encouraged the school to give full play to its disciplinary advantages, the academic strength of existing key research institutions, and the foundation of government consultation. In the next step of think tank building work, disciplines should be used to support the think tank, and think tank should drive disciplines to form a two-way breakthrough, thus embodying the characteristics of the new type of think tank in colleges and universities.

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Wei Lu introduced the current situation of scientific research work and think tank construction in our school. He said that strengthening the construction of think tanks is the inherent need and inevitable requirement for Wuhan University to achieve connotative development and move towards the forefront of world-class universities. The school should strengthen the data infrastructure, serve the talent cultivation and discipline construction, combine academic research with major national strategic needs such as cultural industry development and digital economy, fully promote the construction of think tanks, and contribute to the school's strength for national and regional economic and social development.

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Yongping Xiao shared his experience and thoughts on the construction of high-end think tank from the aspects of management mode, reform measures, work layout and operation mode of think tank, and put forward suggestions on opening up, collaboration and expanding channels of think tanks in Wuhan University. Combining with a large number of specific text cases, he gave a vivid and detailed explanation on how to write a consultation report from the aspects of determining the position, direction, topic, policy and language. He stressed that we should fully understand the difference between academic research and think tank construction, provide and create relevant conditions, and promote the long-term development of think tank construction.

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Chuanfu Chen introduced the construction background and achievements of the International Collaborative Academy of Library and Information Science, Wuhan University, and Advanced Study Center for Intellectual Property Rights of Wuhan University. The International Collaborative Academy of Library and Information Science, Wuhan University promotes foreign scholars to conduct research based on this platform, and forms an international talent introduction model with Wuhan University as the leading unit. Since its establishment, the Advanced Study Center for Intellectual Property Rights of Wuhan University has introduced related research on intellectual property of information resources. He emphasized that to produce high-quality think tank results, we should recognize the substantial transformation from scientific research institutions to think tanks, promote the transformation of research results into decision-making references, and support the development of disciplines with discourse power.

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During the discussion session, the participants had an in-depth discussion on issues such as the operation and management of platform construction and think tank construction, the level and quality of policy research, and the feedback mechanism of results. Xiaoguang Wang introduced the exploration of the system and mechanism of scientific research platform from the aspects of research innovation, talent team construction and platform construction work layout. Min Zhang, Director of the Department of Information System and E-commerce, shared the practice of think tank construction around 16 fields related to national development and security from the aspects of keeping up with hot spots, long-term layout and channels.

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Qing Fang pointed out that college and university think tanks play an important and unique role in serving the country and economic and social development. Wuhan University attaches great importance to and supports the development of Humanities and Social Sciences and the construction of think tanks. He hopes that the experts and scholars of our school should keep their awe and enthusiasm for scientific research, carry forward their dedication, give full play to their academic expertise, launch more outstanding think tank achievements with the platform construction as the starting point, and make greater contributions to the new chapter of Humanities and Social Sciences work in Wuhan University in the new era.
