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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


SIM is Awarded 2021 Wuhan University Outstanding Organization Unit of Students’ Summer Social Practice Activities

2022-03-25 15:00:12

Recently, Wuhan University published the selection results of Outstanding Organization Units, Outstanding Instructors, Advanced Individuals and Outstanding Achievements in the 2021 Students’ Summer Social Practice Activities. Our school was awarded Outstanding Organization Unit (10 in Wuhan University), and 18 students were awarded Advanced Individuals.

All along, the school has attached great importance to practical education, actively organized social practice activities of college students in winter and summer vacations, and vigorously guided the students to combine various professional backgrounds and engage in practical activities with various themes to recognize society and improve themselves. According to the characteristics of the discipline of the Information Management, students determine the practical theme, carry out practical activities, and submit practical results through research reports, research papers and other forms. In the 2021 summer social practice activities, a total of 18 teams in the school received funding, 208 students participated, and 6 teams won awards. Among them,The Realization Path of New Urbanization and Rural Revitalization Strategy in the Digital Age —— An Investigation and Research Based on 27 Villages in 13 Provinces, andAn Investigation andResearchon the Current Situation of Cultural Preservation andTransmission in Ethnic Areaswere awarded 2021 Wuhan University Top Ten Research Reports of Students’ Summer Social Practice Activities. SIM investigation and practice team in villages with Chinese ethnic characteristics won the second prize of Outstanding Achievements in Summer Social Practice. SIM practice team going to Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Anhui to search for Party’s history stories, and SIM practice team going to Hubei, Chongqing, Zhejiang and Guizhou to investigate rural archives construction won the third prize of Outstanding Achievements in Summer Social Practice. Wuhan University practice team going to Hainan Middle School won the third prize of Outstanding Achievements with the theme of “Love Our Alma Mater, Building a Dream at Wuhan University”.

Previously, Wuhan University practice team going to Hubei, Hunan, Zhejiang to investigate the new urbanization and rural revitalization strategy, directed by Professor Jiang Wu, won the Outstanding Team of 2021 Hubei Province Summer Culture, Science and Technology and Public Health Going to Rural Areas Social Practice Activity, and the special prize of the 13th Wuhan University Practical Style Competition. Professor Jiang Wu was awarded as an Outstanding Individual in the Summer Culture, Science and Technology and Public Health Going to Rural Areas Social Practice Activity of National College Student Volunteers.

In recent years, the school has insisted on social practice as an important carrier for ideological and political work, college students serving the grassroots and teachers teaching and educating people. It has strengthened the organization and management of social practice from the aspects of project declaration, process supervision, safety education, fund guarantee, base construction, awards selection, etc., and further promoted the development of Culture, Science and Technology and Public Health Going to Rural Areas Social Practice Activity, forming a good working pattern with active organization by the school, enthusiastic guidance from teachers and active participation of students.
