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SIM Teachers Communicate Experience at the Joint Meeting of Editors-in-Chief of Humanities and Social Sciences Journals in Wuhan University

2022-02-21 11:57:14

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of Xi Jinping’s Reply to All Editors of the Editorial Board of theJournal of Literature, History and Philosophy, and Opinions on Promoting the Prosperity and Development of Academic Journals published by Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science and Technology, strengthen the exchange and sharing of journals construction in Wuhan University and promote the overall development of liberal arts journals, on the morning of December 23, 2021, Wuhan University held aJoint Meeting of Editors-in-Chief of Humanities and Social Sciences Journals.Professor Chuanfu Chen, Editor-in-Chief of Documentation, Information & Knowledge (in Chinese), Professor Dan Wu, Executive Editor-in-Chief of Data and Information Management, Professor Yongqiang Sun, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Information Resources Management (in Chinese) , and Associate Professor Yujue Wang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Etudes Francaises were invited to attend the meeting. Qing Fang, Editor-in-Chief of Publishing Journal (in Chinese) and Dean of the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, made a concluding speech at the meeting.

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Since its establishment, Documentation, Information & Knowledge (in Chinese) has won a number of ratings and awards, and has performed well in various evaluation systems such as China's Academic Journal Impact Factors, Reprint Index of Newspapers and Journals by Renmin University of China, and World Academic Journal Clout Index (WAJCI). Chuanfu Chen exchanged his experience in running Documentation, Information & Knowledge (in Chinese) with the title of Strengthening the consciousness of leading and knowledge-oriented, providing service for disciplines, academia and scholars, and highlighted the importance of “strengthening the consciousness of leading”, “enhancing the service function”, “increase the promotion efforts” in work. Based on the experience of running journal, Chuanfu Chen pointed out that academic journals should strictly and conscientiously implement the responsibility of ideology, and effectively embed the requirements of ideology management into the rules and regulations of journal management and the overall quality management process; Carefully plan the column of values, academics and discourse power; Focus on cutting-edge disciplines and emerging topics, pay attention to major theoretical and practical issues, and strengthen high-quality thematic planning; Build an "embedded" participation mode for academic research, and plan novel and active academic activities; Actively promote the digital transformation of journals, and strive to build overall media matrix for journal promotion; Design cultural and creative products of journals to shape and enhance social identity and brand image.

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Dan Wu and Yongqiang Sun shared the main measures and achievements of Data and Information Management and Journal of Information Resources Management (in Chinese) in bringing academic leading ability of journals into play, enhancing international communication ability of journals and enhancing publishing service ability of journals. Dan Wu said that in recent years, Data and Information Management has continuously optimized its editorial team, provided open access, and accumulated some experience in terms of commissioning authors to write on given topics, organizing academic conferences, and managing WeChat official account. Yongqiang Sun believed that, recently, the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council intended to rename Library, Information, and Archives Management to Information Resources Management, which would provide the opportunity and impetus for the development of Journal of Information Resources Management (in Chinese).

Dan Wu and Yongqiang Sun said that in the future, they would learn from excellent journals, actively communicate with each other, analyze the core issues of journal development, focus on improving the source and quality of manuscripts, optimize the review mechanism, improve the column settings, and solve the problem of "being stick to tradition but lacking in innovation" existing in the current journal development, so as to contribute to the "double first-class" construction of Wuhan University and the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics and Chinese style.

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Yujue Wang reported on the revision of Etudes Francaises. She pointed out that Etudes Francaises, which was founded in 1983, is the only regional country-specific research journal in China for French-speaking countries and regions. In the past one year, Etudes Francaises has gradually realized the transformation from language and literature to political science regional and country research journal, which by building a new core team, reorganizing the editorial board and standardizing the manuscript acceptance process. Yujue Wang said that facing the future, Etudes Francaises would do a good job in liaison, communication, commission articles about a subject, and promotion, continue to participate in and support academic activities related to French studies, have a general plan on “international communication capability building” and “regional and country studies”, promote the formation of domestic academic community of French studies, comprehensively enhance its influence and reputation, and strive to become an important tool for the academic development of French-speaking areas (including Africa), and become an important bridge for cultural exchanges between China and France.

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Qing Fang concluded that academic journals are not only platforms and arena for spreading academic achievements and ideology and culture of humanities and social sciences, but also integrated into the construction of three systems of philosophy and social sciences in an all-round and deep way, and are valuable academic resources related to the overall development of philosophy and social sciences. Academic journals are vital to the development of humanities and social sciences in Wuhan University, and even to the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics. Qing Fang said that in the next step, the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences of Wuhan University would push Wuhan University to provide stronger guarantee for liberal arts journals in terms of policies, systems, funds, etc. According to the potential and growth of journals, the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences would give more support to academic journals with fast development, good performance and great progress, and promote academic journals of humanities and social sciences to provide stronger spiritual motivation and intellectual support for the development of liberal arts in Wuhan University, the "double first-class" construction and national cultural construction.

Publishing Journal (in Chinese), Documentation, Information & Knowledge (in Chinese), Journal of Information ResourcesManagement (in Chinese),which are publicly publishedby our schoolat home and abroad, and are source journals ofthe Directory of Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI), and A Guide to the Core Journal of China.Founded in 2017, Data and Information Management takes information technology and process, management and society as two important dimensions, scientific data, government data and business data as basis, and guides and encourages data-driven interdisciplinary and comprehensive research at the intersection of information science, management science and computer science.
