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SIM Holds 2021 Annual Cadres Debriefing Meeting and Feedback Collection of Leadership

2022-02-14 10:45:27

On the afternoon of December 30, 2021, the SIM held the 2021 Annual Cadres Debriefing Meeting and Feedback Collection of Leadership.

People attended the meeting were as followings:

Xingrong Fu, CPC Secretary of the SIM, Wuhan University,

Wei Lu, Dean of the SIM, Wuhan University,

Yaolin Jiang, CPC Deputy Secretary of the SIM, Wuhan University,

Qian Dai, CPC Deputy Secretary of the SIM, Wuhan University,

Jiang Wu, Associate Dean of the SIM,Wuhan University,

Xiaoguang Wang, Associate Dean of the SIM,Wuhan University,

Lihong Zhou, Associate Dean of the SIM,Wuhan University,

Hua Wang, Associate Dean of the SIM,Wuhan University,

directors and deputy directors of all departments, centers and offices.

Qian Dai presided over the meeting.

According to the requirements of the Party Committee of the SIM, all Party branch secretaries and directors at all levels of the SIM have already submitted written debriefing reports. On this basis, 10 comrades were selected for on-site debriefing.

The secretaries of the Party branch made reports focusing on the study and education of Party history, the development of "I do practical things for the masses", the implementation of basic systems, the situation of doing good in Party building and promoting professional work, the existing problems and the ideas and measures to strengthen and improve Party building.

Directors focused on the achievements of teaching staff, scientific research, personnel training, foreign exchanges, social services, internal construction, etc., the specific problems existing in the current work, and the objectives and measures of a new round of subject construction, etc.

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The debriefing reports of 10 comrades were detailed and focused, which not only showed the achievements, but also made blunt and frank analysis. All members of the school leadership listened carefully to their debriefing report and the opinions and suggestions of the participants on the school leadership team and subject construction and development, and fully communicated with the participants. According to the work arrangement, members of the school leadership and representatives of Party members made an assessment of the work of the SIM Party branches for one year.

Wei Lu commented on the debriefing meeting. He fully affirmed the achievements of the secondary units of the SIM in 2021 with the three key words of "attentively, hardworking and effectiveness", and thanked the faculty and staff for their hard work and unremitting efforts. The year 2022 will be a crucial year for the implementation of the 14th Five-year Plan. He hoped that the secondary units and their directors should do work from the following aspects:

Firstly, strengthen the study of political theory, be good at using the Party's theories, principles and policies to guide the work, inherit and carry forward the spirit of the elder generation of SIMer who are brave in pioneering and exploring boldly, and keep pace with the times and blaze new trails in subjects.

Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the talent introduction and training, vigorously promote the construction of high-quality talents, strengthen systematic planning, and intensify the talent introduction and training. Provide more conditions and support for students' growth and success, and further strengthen the guidance for students' innovation, entrepreneurship and practical practice.

Thirdly, it is necessary to expand communication channels and enhance the subject influence and discourse power. It is necessary to improve the system and mechanism, vigorously support the close connection between teachers' scientific research and the strategic needs of the state, provinces and cities, encourage teachers to participate in think tank research and provide consultancy service in government’s policy-making, increase the cultivation and transformation of scientific research results, and comprehensively enhance the social influence of the school.

Fourthly, it is necessary to further improve awareness, enhance the sense of responsibility and mission to do a good job in graduates' employment, and earnestly provide assistance and employment guidance to help graduates find jobs smoothly.

Fifthly, it is necessary to effectively carry out the work of schoolfellows, actively expand the resources of schoolfellows, strengthen the contact with schoolfellows, and invite schoolfellows to participate in the talent training and construction work.

Sixthly, we should strengthen the cultural construction of the SIM, formulate the mission, vision and values of the school, and further improve the cohesion and centripetal force of teachers and students in the whole school.

Xingrong Fu made a conclusion of the meeting. He emphasized the necessity and importance of strengthening the school with talents. He pointed out that strengthening the school with talents has been an important task at the present period. For a long time, the school has attached great importance to the talent work. Next, it is necessary to further improve the talent training system, establish a "one-on-one" assistance mechanism for young teachers, set about counseling on project application, undergraduate teaching, paper writing, and promote the institutionalization and normalization of training young talents. Establish the system of communication between school leadership with talents, strengthen policy support, set up platforms and teams, and make full use of existing talents to promote the rapid growth of teachers. Strengthen service for talents, coordinate relevant departments of Wuhan University to solve the worries of talents, reduce the pressure of talents in teaching, and further release the vitality of scientific research. He hoped that all school leaders should attach great importance to talent work, and closely combine the talent introduction work with the subject development situation, strengthen planning, and provide strong organizational guarantee for the construction of the First-class Universities and Disciplines of the World and the development of the 14th Five-year Plan. In view of the job description and main tasks of the Party branch, Xingrong Fu emphasized that all Party branches should make great efforts in organizing, publicizing, uniting and serving teachers and students, give full play to the role of the branch as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, lead professional work with Party building, consolidate professional work with Party building, and realize coordinated development and deep integration of Party building and professional work. The Party branch should earnestly take on the responsibility of educating, managing and supervising Party members, pay close attention to the construction of teachers' morality and academic ethics, put the construction of teachers' morality and ethics in the first place in the construction of teachers' team, enhance the sense of honor and responsibility of teachers to teach and educate people, and create a clean and upright education environment.
