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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


SIM Holds Parents' Meeting for Freshmen and Graduates

2022-02-14 10:44:48

In order to close home-school ties and help students grow together, on January 5 and 6, 2022, parents’ meeting was held virtually for 2021 freshmen and 2018 graduates of the SIM respectively.

People attended the meetings were as followings:

Qian Dai, CPC Deputy Secretary of the SIM, Wuhan University,

Lihong Zhou, Associate Dean of the SIM,Wuhan University,

Wei Zhu, teacher at the Students' Employment Guidance and Service Center of Wuhan University,

Rongfang Wu, teacher at the Students' Employment Guidance and Service Center of Wuhan University,

Qiaochu Zeng, teacher at the Students' Mental Health Education Center of Wuhan University,

Huadong Sun, counselor of the SIM, Wuhan University,

andJinlong Shang, counselor of the SIM, Wuhan University.

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At the Parents’ Meeting for 2021 Freshmen, Lihong Zhou had an overall introduction of the SIM to parents from the aspects of SIM history, subject construction, teaching staff, scientific research, international exchange, personnel training, etc. helping parents to build a clearer and deeper understanding of our school and what students have learned.

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Rongfang Wu shared the theme of students' employment and career choice. She made a detailed analysis of the current employment situation, and showed the graduates' further studies and employment trends of our school through relevant data lists. Later, she provided parents with a series of methods to help their children define their ideal jobs, built a framework for decision-making and action of career planning with the help of typical cases, and emphasized the role of parents in all aspects of children's employment with different stages of university, so as to guide parents to better help their children determine their career development direction and eliminate their anxiety about employment and career choice.

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Qiaochu Zeng emphasized the importance of mental health to parents, and explained the psychological characteristics and changes of college students in detail. Later, she pointed out the realistic path for parents to play a role in children's psychological adjustment, guided the establishment of new parent-child relationship and helped children to grow up. Finally, she ended the sharing with the video of Students' Mental Health Education Center, calling on parents to encourage their children to actively seek help when they encounter psychological problems.

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Jinlong Shang summarized the work priorities and the implement of the "First Grade Plan" since the first semester. Starting with ideological guidance and safety education, he introduced the activities of freshmen to parents and put forward relevant requirements, and made clear the specific direction for home-school cooperation. He also expressed the hope that through this meeting, the relationship between home and school could go further, realize the dual-subject drive of home and school, and jointly help students grow and develop.

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In order to help the 2018 undergraduates to cope reasonably and smoothly spend the employment period, Huadong Sun introduced the overall situation of 2018 undergraduates in 2021 from the aspects of basic situation, annual results and key tasks (study, safety, epidemic prevention and control, employment implementation). He summarized from the aspects of excel in morals as well as academic performances, and all-round development, etc. He hoped that with the strong support of home-school cooperation, all 2018 students could graduate smoothly and get employment smoothly.

Wei Zhu made a report on Current Employment Situation and Countermeasures. Supported by a large number of data, he explained the main problems and development trends of college graduates' employment at present, analyzed the employment direction, industries and competitive advantages of undergraduate graduates of the SIM, and encouraged parents to guide students to build confidence and actively look for jobs by citing real cases.

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Through virtual Parents’ Meeting, focusing on key issues, the SIM further strengthened communication with parents, which created conditions and increased guarantee for the smooth and effective promotion of freshmen and graduates. The SIM will continue to strengthen the cooperation between home and school, explore diversified ways of information exchange and cooperation, and protect the healthy physical and mental growth and all-round development of students in the whole school.
