
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


2022 New Year Address

2022-01-10 15:51:31

Dear schoolfellows, friends, teachers and students,

On behalf of the Party Committee and the administration team of the School, we would like to extend our sincere greetings and heartfelt thanks for the new year to leaders at all levels, schoolfellows and friends from all walks of life who have supported the development of the School for a long time, to retired teachers who have been still doing something useful for society, to all the faculty and staff who have worked hard and contributed silently, and to all the students who have studied hard and thrive!

In 2021, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, under the leadership of Wuhan University Party Committee, all the SIMers of Wuhan University insisted on high-quality development and sounded the marching horn of the new century and new journey with the attitude of indomitable strugglers. Write a new chapter in the development of the School with the spirit of never slacking off, and make a good start in the construction of the 14th Five-year Plan!

This year, we wrote confidence with our footsteps. Celebrated the Party's 100th birthday, carried out the study and education of Party’s history in a down-to-earth manner, and obtained majestic power to forge ahead bravely from the Party’s history. Successfully held the 4th Party Congress, honorably organized the flag-raising ceremony of Wuhan University's Birthday, and inspired all the Party members of teachers and students do not forget their original intention to forge ahead. 1 teacher Party member was invited to Beijing to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and 2 student Party members were invited to take part in the National College Students' Party History Contest and participated in the recording of the TV program 2021 Understanding China produced by China Education Network Television, many Party branches and Party members were honored as advanced grass-roots Party organizations and outstanding Party members by Wuhan University and Hubei Province.

This year, we used our footsteps to interpret insistence. We always stick to foster virtue through education, further promote students' ideological and political education and value guidance, and deepen the education path of all staff education, whole process education and all-round education. For the first time, 2 students were awarded the Self-improvement Stars of Chinese College Students (only 4 in Wuhan University), 1 student was awarded Wuhan University Role Model of the Year, and 1 student was awarded Wuhan University Self Improvement Star. Strengthening professional education and insisting on all-round training, students were successively selected as the Top Ten Academic Stars of Wuhan University Graduate Students, and won many national awards, such as the national first prize in the Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling for the first time, the national first prize in“FLTRP·ETIC Cup”National English Challenge for University Students, and once again won the Wuhan University honors, such as SIM Women's Volleyball Team won the Champion of 2021 "Torch Cup" Student Volleyball Competition, SIM Debate Team won the Champion of Wuhan University Freshmen Debate Competition. Carrying out the "Exploration on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Reform", and the innovation and entrepreneurship education took a solid step. Our students won the best achievements in SIM’s history, such as we won the national silver medal in the China International College Students' "Internet +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the national special medal in theChina National College Student "Innovation, Originality and Entrepreneurship" Challenge,the national silver medal in the“Challenge Cup”National Undergraduate Curricular Academic Science and Technology Works by Race.

This year, we used our footsteps to prove struggle. We make high-standard plan of SIM Development during the 14th Five-year Plan and a new round of world-class discipline construction. New progress has been made in specialty construction, participating in the optimization and adjustment of discipline specialty catalogue, have been approved as the undergraduate major of Big Data Management and Application, and adding 2 national first-class undergraduate specialty construction points. New breakthroughs have been made in the construction of academic platforms, the "Intelligent Computing of Cultural Heritage" Philosophy and Social Sciences Laboratory of the Ministry of Education was approved (the first batch, 9 pilot programs in China), and the Key Laboratory of Semantic Publishing and Knowledge Service of the National Press and Publication Administration (the first national ministry-level liberal arts laboratory in Wuhan University). Team building has taken solid steps, with the new progress as 1 Senior Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences at Wuhan University, 8 teachers were in the list of various high-level talents programs, and 3 teachers have served in top international academic organizations. The scientific research had fruitful results, 9projects were in the funding list of the National Social Science Fund of China, including 4 major projects; 9projects were in the funding list of the National Natural Science Foundation of China; teachers published more than 60 papers in JCR Q1, with an international high-level publication reaching a new record, 1 review article was published in an international authoritative journal, which achieved the best result in history.

This year, we used our footsteps tomeasure responsibilities. Aiming at the needs of the country, we submitted nearly 30 copies of consultation reportsfor UNESCO, provincial and ministerial units, and the state. Help the discipline development, we took the lead in establishment of the Ideological and Political Alliance of Library, Information, and Archives Management, held the First National Publishing Doctoral Academic Consortium, the First National Summer School for Graduate Students Majoring in Archival Science, the Second National Doctoral Consortium of Library Science, contributed to the talent training of Library, Information, and Archives Management in China. Facing the needs of the society, our relationship with relevant industries and management departments is getting closer and closer, and the cooperation with Huawei, Iflytek, Taikang and other well-known enterprises is getting deeper and deeper. Serving rural revitalization needs, we have been helping Baiguoshu Village, Bajiao Dong Township, Enshi City, and have been helping with the rural revitalization of Zhulin Town, Qichun County, Huanggang City. 1 teacher was awarded as an Outstanding Individual in the Summer Culture, Science and Technology and Public Health Going to Rural Areas Social Practice Activity of National College Student Volunteers (the only one in Wuhan University).

This year, we used our footsteps to drawharmony. We have insisted on holding the Joint Meeting of Department Directors and Office Directors, School Leaders' Reception Day, so that teachers and students can truly become the masters of the School. We have set up an office for talent work, held Young Tutors Training Camp, forge the academic brand of "Luojia SIM+", introduced the system of Doctoral Supervisors’ Selection from Associate Professors, and High-level Achievement Rewards, established a one-on-one assistance mechanism between national talents and young teachers, developed an exclusive scientific research information management system for teachers, and etc. Teachers' progress and comfort have always been our direction of hard work. The First Lecture of New Semester for freshmen, held Department Directors’ Forum, schoolfellows’ sharing, deepen the teaching and learning revolution, continue to hold the exhibition of graduate students' academic research achievements, and etc. Students' growth and success have always been our goal.

Looking back, we have gained joy and sweat. Looking ahead, we are moving forward more firmly.

In 2022, the School will be in the new period of building the 14th Five-year Plan and a new round of first-class disciplines in an all-round way, and we are striving to realize the fundamental transformation from good to excellence and from the forefront to leadership, which is the glorious mission and sacred duty entrusted to us by the times. Let's do not forget our original intention, bear in mind the mission, muster all our resolve and resources, forge ahead, work hard for the great blueprint of the new era, work hard for the great dream of the new journey, and greet the opening of the 20th Party Congress with excellent School performance!

We sincerely hope that everyone would continue to care for and support the construction and development of the School. Let's work hard for the ideal life and cheer for youth!

Wish friends from all walks of life, and all the SIMers of Wuhan University a happy New Year, good health, good work and a happy family!

Xingrong Fu, CPC Secretary of the School of Information Management, Wuhan University

Wei Lu, Dean of the School of Information Management, Wuhan University

December 31, 2021
