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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


2021 Department Directors’ Forum

2021-12-07 10:20:08

In order to guide the freshmen of 2021 to establish their professional consciousness as soon as possible, deepen their understanding of disciplines and industries, and clarify their interest in study and development direction, on November 22 and 23, our school launched the professional education activity ofDepartment Directors’ Forumfor freshmen of 2021. Department directors, deputy directors, teachers stepped onto the platform one after another. They described professional characteristics, shared disciplinary advantages and explained the employment direction, gave students a full-fledged professional education class.

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Congjing Ran, Professor and Director of the Department of Library Science, pointed out that Library Science is a subject with both "data" and "culture", with distinct subject characteristics. He introduced in detail the subject status, influence in academic and industry community, excellent schoolfellows, etc. emphatically analyzed the employment prospects of Library Science majors, and emphasized that the whole department actively expanded the practice and internship platform for students. Ying Huang, Associate Professor and CPC Secretary of the Department of Library Science Branch, shared his understanding of Library Science with the students and encouraged them to devote themselves to scientific research and gain growth. Teachers carefully prepared the Prize Competition session, students further deepened their understanding of Library Science major via information retrieval and Q & A.

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Yiming Zhao, Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Department of Information Management Science, pointed out that the specialty of Information Management and Information System is strong, taking the construction of the national key subject of Information Science as the leader, focusing on pioneering and innovating in the fields of information science theory and method, information resource planning and management, information service, informetrics, competitive intelligence, information resource allocation, information organization and retrieval, etc. Regarding the employment issues that students are very concerned about, Yiming Zhao said that some students choose to enter the Internet industry, and more than half of them will continue their studies after graduation. The courses offered by the school will help students lay a solid foundation, and they can choose excellent universities in a wider range at the postgraduate stage. Finally, Yiming Zhao warmly invited the students to choose the major of Information Management Science and he said “As long as you study hard and work hard, the major of Information Management Science will live up to the efforts of the students”.

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Ping Wang, Professor and Director of the Department of Archives and Government Information Studies, emphasized the importance of archives and the prominent administrative position of archives institutions. He said that the subject of Archives of our school has created a number of excellent teaching materials, undertaken a number of teaching reform programs, made outstanding contributions to international exchanges and social services, and the personnel training system was systematic and perfect. Yujue Wang, Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Department of Archives and Government Information Studies, suggested that students should choose their favorite major from their inner intention. She said that "archives" is a career and ideal that she sincerely loves, and she has a long way to go with the students who also love this field.

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Jie Xu, Professor and Director of the Department of Publishing Science, creatively launched an online questionnaire to guide students to objectively know and understand the Publishing major. She introduced the Publishing major in detail from multiple dimensions, including that the major attaches importance to the guidance of values, the teachers are perfectly in line with national requirements, the curriculum is diversified and reasonable, and the structure is clear. In the face of the related questions raised by the students, Jie Xu carefully answered them one by one.

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When introducing the situation to the students,Weiwei Yan, Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Department of Electronic Commerce, first corrected the misunderstanding that "e-commerce equals online shopping". He said that China's e-commerce industry has a broad field and outstanding contributions, and the subject goal is to cultivate high-end "innovation, originality and entrepreneurship" talents of compound e-commerce with expertise in data analysis. He emphasized that the E-commerce major has a systematic competition training system, and has won great achievements in many innovation and entrepreneurship competitions. Yiwei Gong, Associate Professor and CPC Secretary of the Department of Electronic Commerce Branch, suggested that students should look at future career choices rationally and professionally, do not follow others blindly, and be responsible for their own lives.

As a characteristic professional education activity of the Freshman Plan of our school, the2021 Department Directors’ Forumlasted for two days. The sharing and explanation of teachers broadened the thinking and vision for the students, so that what they have studied and known stood at the forefront of technology and made their future direction clearer. Next semester, the school will organize an Open Day of Profession to further help students to choose the direction of professional and career development reasonably.
