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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Teachers and Students of the SIM Investigate Assistance Work in Enshi City, Hubei

2021-11-30 10:39:27

"Assigning our school to continue to help Baiguoshu Village, Bajiao Dong Township, Enshi City, reflects the full trust of Wuhan University CCP committee in our school, and we also feel that the responsibility is great." Xingrong Fu, CPC Secretary of the SIM, Wuhan University, expressed in his speech at the symposium held in the meeting room of Baiguoshu Village Committee.

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From November 15 to 16, Ping Wu, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, and Vice President of Wuhan University, led a team to Enshi City to investigate the fixed-point assistance work.

The team members were as followings:

Xingrong Fu, CPC Secretary of the SIM, Wuhan University,

Jiang Wu, Associate Dean of the SIM,Wuhan University,

Lin Wang, a teacher of the Department of Electronic Commerce of the SIM,Wuhan University,

Zhongyi Hu, a teacher of the Department of Electronic Commerce of the SIM,Wuhan University,

Xiaoyu Chen, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the SIM,Wuhan University, and

Kunxiang Chen, a doctoral student of the SIM,Wuhan University.

The team went to the municipal government, Baiguoshu Village of Bajiao Dong Township, and Zhongxi Health Industry Investment Group Co., Ltd. for investigation and discussion.

On the afternoon of November 15, Jiang Wu introduced the general situation, progress and implementation ideas of the Rural Jolly Meet--A Comprehensive Service Platform for Rural Culture and Tourism, the achievement of the National Major Science and Technology Support Plan, at the symposium on the development of culture and tourism industry and e-commerce held with relevant departments of Enshi and the city, and exchanged views with relevant departments on how to implement the project in Enshi City.

On the morning of November 16, the investigation team went to Baiguoshu Village of Bajiao Dong Township, and Zhongxi Health Industry Investment Group Co., Ltd.to investigate the e-commerce platform operation. A symposium on fixed-point assistance was held at Baiguoshu Village, Bajiao Dong Township. At the meeting, Jiang Wu introduced the e-commerce assistance planning and digital economy development ideas of Baiguoshu Village. Xingrong Fu introduced the basic situation of the School of Information Management, Wuhan University, and expressed his determination to resolutely complete Wuhan University’s work deployment, do his best to help and his confidence in the "win-win" situation brought by fixed-point assistance. Ping Wu said that Wuhan University will resolutely implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, focus on consolidating and expanding the effective connection between poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization, comprehensively deepen its cooperation with Enshi City, increase the assistance from the aspects of personnel training, intellectual support, sales assistance, education assistance, health assistance, culture and tourism integration, and continue to encourage the high-quality economic and social development of Enshi City and the comprehensive revitalization of Baiguoshu Village.

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In Baiguoshu Village Committee of Bajiao Dong Township, resident team members of Wuhan University made a work report, and then held the Awarding Ceremony of Wuhan University Rural Revitalization Service Station and Wuhan University Practice Education Base.
