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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


SIM Holds School Leaders' Reception Day

2021-11-23 09:13:35

On the afternoon of November 11, this semester's School Leaders' Reception Day for students was held in meeting room No. 205 of the school building. The School Leaders' Reception Day is also one of the "I do real things for people" in the study of CCP history activity, focusing on students' psychological education, study discipline construction, safety management and other issues. All SIM leaders, directors of all departments, director of school General Office, director of Undergraduate Students Management Office, director of Postgraduate Students Management Office, all counselors, representatives of undergraduates, graduates and doctoral students attended the activity. The activity was hosted by Haoyang Xu, a member of the Presidium of the SIM Student Union.

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The construction of study discipline is an important factor to improve the quality of education and teaching. After full investigation, the representatives of students pointed out existing problems and proposed solutions. Shanping He made suggestions on the schedule of the final exam, hoping that the school could optimize the exam time of the platform class in light of the actual situation. Qinwei Li focused on the teaching content, and put forward "scientific and reasonable arrangement of professional courses, make clear direction of curriculum tasks and update teaching resources in time". Qirui Ren put forward suggestions on how to improve learning motivation and enhance class cohesion, hoping that the school could help create a learning exchange platform, extend the opening hours of the school library, and combine external supervision with internal drive.

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The representatives of graduates and doctoral students mainly spoke on employment and scientific research. Liuxin Zou and Xin Yang pointed out that the pressure of graduation and employment is great. They hoped the school could increase relevant information channels and further carry out career education. Man Jiang said that the specialty of the school has interdisciplinary characteristics, and she hoped that the school would build an exchange platform between departments and schools to promote cooperation in scientific research among students in different fields.

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Psychological education and safety education management were also the focus of this activity. Students' representatives pointed out that at present, studies, scientific research, employment and other aspects have caused many pressures on students, and suggested that the school hold more professional psychology lectures to pay more attention to students' psychological state and living conditions. In view of traffic safety and property safety, student representatives proposed to strengthen safety knowledge education, improve infrastructure construction and ensure the safety of living and learning environment.

The school leaders and teachers responded to the related questions raised by the students one by one. In the arrangement of examination time and teaching content of professional courses, the school will fully solicit the opinions of students and further optimize them. In terms of scientific research, employment, psychological assistance, etc., the school will build a platform and aggregate resources, and hope that students can make good use of it. In terms of logistics support, the school will further improve and perfect. Finally, Xingrong Fu, CPC Secretary of the SIM, Wuhan University, made a concluding speech. He thanked the students for their participation and constructive comments and suggestions, and said that the school and departments would make full investigation and study to solve the problems raised by the students as soon as possible. At the same time, he hoped that students' participation and support would be expected in all the work of the school, and the harmonious and rapid development of the school would be realized through the joint efforts of all.

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