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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Information Management in Intelligent Industry -- The Second Study Guidance Day of the Department of Information Management Science

2021-11-15 09:45:40

In order to help undergraduates in the Department of Information Management Science of our school understand the industry trends, make career plans, and further master the latest information of the industry in the intelligent era, especially the smart home industry, on October 28, the Department of Information Management Science held the Second Study Guidance Day for undergraduates by means of virtual+reality meeting. Hongwei Li, the 2006 graduate of the Department of Information Management Science, Deputy Director of the Testing Institute of China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute, head of the National Smart Home Quality Inspection Center, made a series of sharing for undergraduates. Yiming Zhao, Deputy Director of the Department of Information Management Science, presided over the activity.

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Hongwei Li has been engaged in the standardization, testing and certification development of household electric appliances and consumer electronic products for 15 years, and pioneered the development of basic special certifications such as intelligent certification, voice and information security of smart home systems.

Combined with his work experience and understanding, Hongwei Li introduced the household electric appliances industry and information management opportunities in the intelligent era to the students. He said that in the 5G era, everything in the network is interconnected, and all fields of digital economy and society are transforming into digitalization, networking and intelligence, which will further activate users' information needs. In the smart household electric appliances industry, new terms such as blockchain, cloud computing, big data and Internet of Things are becoming more and more common. Intelligentization is gradually changing people's lives, and there are huge opportunities behind the great changes. For information management students, there are plenty of employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in artificial intelligence, edge computing, Internet finance. Hongwei Li believes that students should pay close attention to national policies and the general direction of economic and social development, and further improve their employment orientation.

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Hongwei Li also led the students to think about career development. He pointed out that career planning should be based on one’s own actual situation and determine the employment direction according to one’s goals and abilities. In his opinion, freshmen and sophomores can focus on professional study first, such as making great efforts in basic courses such as programming and database, and gradually clarifying their future plans in the process of learning. For junior and senior students, it is very necessary to think about their career planning. They need to listen more and see more. While improving their abilities, they should determine their development direction as soon as possible.

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In the exchange and summary session, some students put forward questions about curriculum and employment internship according to their current situation. Hongwei Li gave detailed answers one by one, and encouraged the students to continue to work hard to realize their ideals as soon as possible. Yiming Zhao summed up this activity. Students said that they had further thought about their career development and benefited a lot. In the following days, they will continue to learn, seize opportunities and strive for the future.
