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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


A Joint Meeting of Department Directors and Office Directors

2021-11-15 09:41:50

On the afternoon of October 28, SIM held the first joint meeting of department directors and office directors in the first semester of 2021-2022 to study the new round of subject construction scheme of Library, Information, and Archives Management, and listen to the ideas and difficulties of each department on the first-class subject construction. Xingrong Fu, CPC Secretary of the SIM, Wuhan University, department directors, department deputy directors, and office directors attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Xiaoguang Wang, Associate Dean of the SIM,Wuhan University, made a special report on the new round of subject construction scheme of the SIM. In view of the questions and suggestions put forward by experts and scholars on the first round of subject construction, the SIM leadership put forward five research directions and six work measures for the new round of subject construction. He also explained in detail the First-class Education Action Plan of A New Generation of National Knowledge Information Service System for High-Level Scientific and Technological Innovation and Cultural Inheritance.

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The six department directors of the SIM reported the subject construction ideas and existing difficulties around the five research directions of the departments respectively.

Xingrong Fu commented on the reports of the departments on the new round of subject construction one by one, and made a concluding speech. He affirmed the remarkable achievements of the first round of "double-class" construction of the SIM and the outstanding contributions made by all departments, and pointed out the problems and bottlenecks that needed to be solved urgently in the aspects of "introducing and cultivating top-notch talents with international influence", "serving national strategy and social development" and "international high-end academic cooperation". He put forward thoughts and requirements: Firstly, always be enterprising and strive for more development resources and paths for the department and school. Secondly, to introduce the competition mechanism and explore a more scientific and reasonable resource allocation model of "double first-class" subject construction. Thirdly, strengthen unity and cooperation, and set up excellent research teams to tackle the five major research directions. Xingrong Fu emphasized that the new round of "double first-class" construction has new mission and new requirements. Teachers and students should firmly grasp the general requirements of "keeping the initial intention, taking on the mission, finding the gap and grasping the implementation", and never forget to stick to the initial intention of education to serve the country, keep in mind the mission of fostering virtue through education, further unify thoughts, build consensus, work together for implementation, and effectively improve the quality of the new round of "double first-class" construction.

In response to the related questions raised by various departments and offices, the leaders responded and arranged recent key work of the school.
