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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


One Silver and One Bronze! SIM Achieved Medals in the 7th China International College Students' "Internet +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

2021-11-08 14:15:58

On October 15, the National Finals ofthe 7th China International College Students' "Internet +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competitioncame to an end in Nanchang University. SIM team won one silver and one bronze in the Track of Journey of the Youth’s Red Dream Realization, which are the best records in SIM’s history of this competition.

The Silver Medal was won by the projectRural Jolly Meet--A Comprehensive Service Platform for Rural Culture and Tourism.This project is in charged by Zhoucan Xu, a 2020 PhD candidate in Information Science of our school, and under the guidance of Professor Jiang Wu and Associate Professor Zhongyi Hu. Focusing on the national major strategy of "Rural Revitalization", the project aims to boost rural development with digital empowerment and model innovation. Relying on the two core businesses of cultural tourism and e-commerce, the project uses big data, virtual and real navigation and other technologies to form an virtual and real collaboration and ecological closed loop of bringing people into and goods out of the village.

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The Bronze Medal was won by the projectAll the Way to Guizhou -- A Construction Plan for Guizhou Rural Primary School Chunhui Bookstore. This projectis in the charge of Wei Feng, a 2018 undergraduate in Library Science of our school, under the joint guidance of Jiang Wu, Professor at the School of Information Management, Wuhan University, and Yi Qin, a teacher at the Economics and Management School, Wuhan University. The project combines the support education of Chunhui Public Welfare Center (students) of Wuhan University in Guizhou mountainous areas, and the team members have built the rural primary school library Chunhui Bookstore in mountainous areas of Guizhou, and build an urban-rural integrated education support model with Chunhui Bookstore as the core and assisted by multiple sub-projects, so as to help revitalize the countryside and promote the education of peasants.

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In addition, the projectGuangxi on the Cloud -- Sustainable Development Mode of Digital Villages Driven by Cultural Intellectual Property,which is in charged by Zhe Cao, a 2019 undergraduate majored in Information Management and Information System of our school, and under the guidance of Professor Jiang Wu, won the Gold Medal of Industrial Proposition Track in Hubei of the 7th China International College Students' "Internet +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

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These projects rely on the academic advantages of schools and Wuhan University, face the national major strategy of rural revitalization, and explore the utilization of contemporary information technology to empower rural economic and cultural development. The achievement of outstanding results provides an excellent model for the close combination of innovation and entrepreneurship education and personnel training for college students, and is also a vivid interpretation of mutual integration of industry-university-research-application.

It is reported that there are 4,347 colleges and universities from 121 countries and regions, more than 2.28 million projects and more than 9.56 million college students signed up for the 7th China International College Students' "Internet +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. In this competition, Wuhan University won 2 national gold medals, 3 national silver medals and 4 national bronze medals.

For a long time, SIM has attached great importance to the innovation and entrepreneurship of college students. Adhering to the SIMtraditionofcreative, pragmatic, and innovative, and been striving to make great contributions to national economic, social development, and cultural heritage. The school vigorously promotes the education of"Innovation, Originality and Entrepreneurship"for students, and stimulates students' enthusiasm for learning and science and technology entrepreneurship via various channels and means, and creates a good atmosphere for innovation and entrepreneurship. In 2021, SIM listed "Promoting the Reform and Exploration of Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education" as one of the ten major plans, and started the drafting of relevant incentive policy. During the preparation of the 2021 "Internet +" competition, leaders of the SIM cared for the team students, and provided adequate convenience in terms of personnel, funds, venues, and etc.Rural Jolly Meet--A Comprehensive Service Platform for Rural Culture and TourismandGuangxi on the Cloud -- Sustainable Development Mode of Digital Villages Driven by Cultural Intellectual Propertyboth arestrongly supported by the National Key R&D Project Integration and Application Demonstration of Rural Culture and Tourism Cloud Service Technology hosted by Professor Jiang Wu.

SIM will continue to support the growth and development of award-winning projects, and at the same time, SIM continuously explores and cultivates new innovative and entrepreneurial projects of students.
