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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


SIM Held 2021 Autumn Teachers and Students’ Sports Games

2021-11-08 14:14:44

On October 23, the SIM 6th Autumn Teachers and Students’ Sports Games was held on schedule in the playground of the Information Division, Wuhan University.

People attended the opening ceremony were as followings:

Xingrong Fu, CPC Secretary of the SIM, Wuhan University,

Yaolin Jiang, CPC Deputy Secretary of the SIM, Wuhan University,

Qian Dai, CPC Deputy Secretary of the SIM, Wuhan University,

Xiaoguang Wang, Associate Dean of the SIM,Wuhan University,

Hua Wang, Associate Dean of the SIM,Wuhan University, and counselors, class tutors, and school students attended the opening ceremony.

Xingrong Fu announced the opening of the Sports Games after the referee and athlete representatives swore, and the head of the Sports Department of the SIM Student Union introduced the preparations for the Games.

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The program of this Games was divided into Students Group, Teachers Group and Teacher-student Friendship Group, including field events, track events and entertainment program, in which more than 400 athletes of students and teachers, and over 100 volunteers and staff participated, and 8 Outstanding Organization Awards were set up, and honorary certificates were issued to the top 8 players in each competition.

During the Games, traditional students' competitive events such as sprint, long-distance running, high jump and long jump were in full swing, and the teachers’ events were also splendid. Basketball shooting, football shooting, accurate softball throwing, shell picking, 100-meter running and standing long jump attracted active participation of school leaders, teachers of various departments and administrative staff. There was a tense, intense and cheerful atmosphere in the playground, and cheers and laughter kept coming and going outside the playground.

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In tug-of-war, teachers and students from all departments participated in it. Teachers and students worked together, clenched their teeth, held on to the long rope, mustered all their strength and pulled back desperately. On the scene, the teachers and students were enthusiastic and cheered in succession, and the playground became a lively and cheerful ocean. Teachers and students cooperated with each other, which brought the teacher-student relationship closer while enjoying the competition, and created a harmonious and friendly atmosphere.

At 5 pm, the Games came to an end. Different from the rainy weather a few days ago, the sunset glow in the sky on that day was exceptionally gorgeous, which stained the playground with a red glow, as if it were a silent compliment to all participating teachers and students. Whether they are the teachers and students who are sweating on the field or the volunteers who are serious and responsible in the sun; Whether they are cheerleaders who help out and cheer under the stage or workers who work hard for the Games, the sports spirit of tenacious struggle, unity and cooperation, and the volunteer service spirit of sticking to their posts and selfless dedication are the best portrayal of the spirit of the SIM.
