
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


The Reception for 2021 New Students and the First Lecture of New Semester

2021-09-30 10:55:11

On the afternoon of September 16, the Reception for 2021 New Students and the First Lecture of New Semester of the School of Information Management was grandly held in the main square of the SIM building.

People attended the reception were as followings:

Qing Fang, Dean of the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, Wuhan University,

Xingrong Fu, CPC Secretary of the School of Information Management, Wuhan University,

All school leaders in Wuhan University,

directors and deputy directors of all departments of the School of Information Management, Wuhan University.

The reception was presided over by Xiaoyu Chen, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the School of Information Management, Wuhan University.

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After the loud national anthem, Xingrong Fu delivered a speech. He extended his warmest welcome and congratulations to all 2021 new students, introduced the basic situation of the school, and encouraged the students to practice the original heart of patriotism and dedication, follow the growth path of self-improvement and perseverance, and practice the concept of talent development and innovation.

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Qinggong Shi, a senior student representative and 2019 PhD candidate in Library Science, shared his study experience and understanding with the new students under the title of Cultivation of Morality and Knowledge, All-Round Development - Being an Energetic WHUer. He gave the students three suggestions: first, broaden their horizons and improve themselves in an all-round way from a high starting point. Second, we should go all out in study and scientific research. Third, we should cherish and enjoy the new chapter of life.

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Ruiqi Ren, the representative of freshmen, a 2021 undergraduate, told the story of her acquaintance and encounter with the School of Information Management, shared her thoughts on “Why I choose the School of Information Management?”, “What should I do at the School of Information Management?” and "How I do", and expressed her determination to work hard and serve the country.

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"This is our lovely classroom on the shore of East Lake, and at the foot of Luojia Mountain". In the pleasant sound of the Song of Wuhan University, leaders and teachers wore the Wuhan University badges for the new students representatives. The sun shines, and the university badges on the students' chest are shining.

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Finally, Qing Fang gave a lecture on the first lesson for all new students. Starting with data and stories, he introduced to the students the profound historical heritage, strong teaching staff and discipline strength of the School of Information Management. By analyzing the historical orientation of the information industry and information management discipline, he summarized the inevitability and future potential of the "information management phenomenon". He encouraged the students to strengthen the discipline self-confidence, adhere to diligence and strive to be a promising SIMer in the era of great innovation.

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This reception was the first time that the School of Information Management has held a welcome meeting with the participation of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students outdoors. At the reception site, the students were enthusiastic and the atmosphere was warm. In 2021, the School of Information Management enrolled 507 new students, including 196 undergraduates, 253 masters and 58 doctoral students, from 27 provinces and cities (regions) in China.
