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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


[Youth Team] 2021 Luojia Young Scholars Interdisciplinary Forum: Information Dissemination in the Era of Data Intelligence

2021-07-08 13:28:17

On the afternoon of June 10, 2021 Luojia Young Scholars Interdisciplinary Forum was held in meeting room 313 at the School of Information Management Building, Wuhan University. With the theme of Information Dissemination in the Era of Data Intelligence, the forum was jointly organized by the youth academic team of "Information Metrology and Scientific Evaluation Research" and "Intelligent Marketing Communication Research", co-organized by China Science Evaluation Research Center, and supported by Journal of Documentation, Information & Knowledge(in Chinese) and Journal of Information Resources Management(in Chinese).

Jun Tao, Associate Dean of the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Jiang Wu, Associate Dean of SIM attended and delivered speeches. Professor Rongying Zhao of SIM served as the comment guest, and Professor Siluo Yang presided over the forum. Eight experts and scholars from the School of Information Management, School of Journalism and Communication, School of Cyber Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing made reports and exchanges.

With the theme of Value Chain, Value Network, Value Galaxy: Ecological Reconstruction of Intelligent Communication Enterprises, Associate Professor Songmao Wang at School of Journalism and Communication, introduced the value chain of marketing enterprises based on traditional marketing concept, the impact of value chain of communication enterprises under the background of intelligent marketing, and the ecological reconstruction of intelligent marketing communication enterprises, he put forward the methodology of ecological reconstruction of intelligent communication enterprises through the analysis of the reasons and problems behind.

Liqiang Zhang, a teacher at School of Cyber Science and Engineering, delivered a keynote speech entitled Application and Practice of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Internet Companies. With the background and development of artificial intelligence, application analysis of artificial intelligence in Internet companies, limitations and future of artificial intelligence as the outline, he focused on cases of intelligent logistics, intelligent transportation, intelligent disability assistance, command assistant, intelligent intermediary, intelligent education, and analyzed the demand, technical proposal and effect of artificial intelligence applied to Internet companies, summarizes the limitations of artificial intelligence from the aspects of artificial substitution, information leakage and man-machine confrontation, and analyzed the development trend.

Bingyi Liao, Associate Professor at School of Journalism and Communication, took Research on the Influencing Factors of Users’ Response to Short Video Targeted Advertising as the topic, put forward that persuading knowledge, promoting focus, and preventing focus are the characteristics of users, and privacy concern, perceived personalization, and perceived advertising value are the users' perceptions, and he put forward some suggestions on advertising production, strategy, delivery and communication based on the impact of the combination of the two variables on the user response of short video behavior oriented advertising.

Xiaokang Fu, a doctoral candidate at State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, gave a report entitled Research, Practice and Challenges of Social Geographic Computing Platform,

which comprehensively described the establishment background, research objectives, construction content, technical system, theoretical system and the construction of research and teaching cloud platform of Social Geographic Computing Joint Research Center. Through the application case of CovID19 platform, the characteristics of social geographic computing platform were illustrated, and the upcoming work plan was prospected.

Ke Dong, Associate Professor at the School of Information Management, presented a topic report on Citation Path Research of Scientific Knowledge Dissemination. He introduced the basic hypothesis of scientific knowledge diffusion through inter-individual, organizational, patent based technological innovation and subject knowledge diffusion network based on scientific literature. Then, he introduced the research on citation based scientific knowledge diffusion from micro and macro perspectives, and focused on the main path analysis, node importance and path finding methods in the identification of scientific knowledge diffusion path.

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With the title of Research on the Generation Mechanism and Evaluation of New Media Discourse Power in Colleges and Universities, Xinlai Li, a doctoral candidate at the School of Information Management explained the related concepts and theoretical methods of new media discourse power in colleges and universities, and analyzed the generation mechanism of new media discourse power in colleges and universities from the aspects of connotation, generation, transformation and elements and their forces, and put forward evaluation model on the basis of evaluation framework, index system, index processing and method design.

With the title of Research on the Withdrawal Mechanism of Papers in Scientific Communication, Fan Qi, a doctoral candidate at the School of Information Management introduced the withdrawal papers and their current situation in academic papers, put forward the relevant hypotheses of the amount of citations, the change of citation emotion and withdrawal behavior in different environments after withdrawal, and empirically tested them, and summarized some practical suggestions on the citation norms, re-dissemination, and peer review of withdrawal papers.

Heyu Diao, a doctoral candidate at the School of Information Management, with the title ofResearch on Paper Revision and Impact in Scientific Communication, introduced the paper revision mechanism and related research in scientific communication, and explored the general situation of revised literature in the field of Library and Information, the citation of revised literature and its impact on the original text by combining Bibliometrics and content analysis.

Finally, Professor Rongying Zhao at the School of Information Management made a summary and comment on the forum. She made a highly positive evaluation of the reports of experts and scholars in different fields, pointed out the importance of team and thought exchange for scientific research, and the holding of interdisciplinary forum played a positive role in creating a good atmosphere of academic exchange.
