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The First Rural Revitalization Forum and National Key R&D Project Achievements Conference -- Rural Culture and Tourism Cloud Platform Officially Launched

2021-07-08 13:23:12

On June 23, the First Rural Revitalization Forum was held in Wuhan University. The theme of the forum was Mode and Path of Rural Revitalization by Integration of Agriculture, Commerce, Culture and Tourism. At the forum, the rural culture and tourism cloud service platformRural Jolly Meet, the National Key R&D Project achievement, was released. Hongye Xin, Deputy Director of the Information Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China, and Ping Wu, Vice President of Wuhan University, attended the forum. More than 20 representatives from Wuhan University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Zhulin Town of Qichun County, Bajiaodong Township of Enshi City and other government, industry, university, research institutes, public service fields and grass-root units, attended the meeting simultaneously via virtual and on site means.

The forum was co-organized by the National Key R&D ProjectIntegration and Application Demonstration of Rural Culture and Tourism Cloud Service Technologyteam hosted by Professor Jiang Wu, and the National Social Science Fund Art Major ProjectInnovative Research on Promoting Policy of the Integration of Culture and Tourismteam hosted by Professor Bo Chen.

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In the speech, Ping Wu highly affirmed the Rural Revitalization Forum and hoped that the delegates would take the forum as an opportunity to further plough the countryside and help rural revitalization, so as to achieve the goal of lifting the rural economy out of poverty as well as spiritual poverty.

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Jiang Wu introduced the latest progress and achievements of the National Key R&D ProjectIntegration and Application Demonstration of Rural Culture and Tourism Cloud Service Technology, and announced that the project achievementRural Jolly Meetplatform was officially launched. Based on cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, the platform gathers all kinds of resources of beautiful villages and characteristic towns in China. It is an open cloud platform for comprehensive services of agriculture, commerce, culture and tourism, integrating virtual and real display of culture and tourism resources, geographic information services, e-commerce, business intelligence and other services.

At the launching ceremony, Jiang Wu conferred the project operation license respectively to Xiamen Laisanjin Network Technology Co., Ltd., the main operator of the project platform, Zhulin Town, the representative of agriculture, commerce, culture and tourism integration demonstration site, Beijing Cunyou Network Technology Co., Ltd., strategic partner of the project, and Shanghai Mana Data Technology Development Foundation, and took photo.

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At the seminar, Hongye Xin shared three suggestions from the perspective of multi-dimensional industrial thinking. First, the promotion of rural revitalization by agriculture, commerce, culture and tourism needs to innovate industries and develop new agricultural formats. Second, promoting rural revitalization needs innovative culture. In the digital age, rural innovative culture lies not only in the external cultural attraction, but also in the internal cultural infiltration. Third, to promote rural revitalization, we need to innovate mechanism, make innovation have viscosity and temperature, make it clear that the service object is farmers, and keep in mind the mission and responsibility.

Professor Caiwu Fu, Dean of National Institute of Cultural Development in Wuhan University, discussed the role and policy path of culture and tourism integration in rural revitalization from a macro perspective. He believed that rural areas are the foundation and maintenance force of Chinese culture based on traditional farming culture. Rural revitalization is the foundation of our cultural confidence. Nostalgia is very important for rural development, We should strengthen the inheritance of cultural resources.

Professor Xuefeng He, Dean of School of Sociology in Wuhan University, based on years of rural field research experience, made a judgment on rural revitalization. He believed that the focus of rural revitalization is social culture, and rural areas are the stabilizers and reservoirs of China's modernization. Rural construction should reserve a retreat for farmers, land is the means of production rather than property, we should be alert to the problem of excessive competition, and we should develop the countryside together through various forces.

Professor Xinjian Li, Dean of the Academy of Capital Culture and Tourism in Beijing International Studies University, shared the two aspects of rural industry and rural culture. He believed that industrial revitalization is the foundation and cultural revitalization is the guarantee in rural revitalization. The key to grasp the development of rural tourism is to solve the problem of human resource, improve the matching ability between villagers and market demand, and grasp the balance between capital and the interests of all villagers. The second is to find the core attraction of the countryside, excavate and improve the production capacity of rural content, and release the value of resources. The third is to find the engine and hub of rural tourism, and strengthen the content and related distribution platform.

Fengsheng Wu, CPC Secretary of Zhulin Town, the national advanced group for poverty alleviation, and Jinjiang Li, the First Secretary of Baiguoshu village, Bajiaodong Township, Enshi City, shared their own experiences, reflecting the spirit of outstanding grassroots cadres to serve the people and bear hardships and stand hard work. They said that they must keep in mind that General Secretary Xi Jinping's entrustment of "lift off poverty and pick up hat is not the end point, is the starting point of new life", and will continue to serve the rural revitalization cause in their position.

Professor Jinlong Zhang, Director of the E-commerce Research Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, believed that the development of rural e-commerce should achieve "six ones", which are select a project or product, find a leader, have a good business model, have a good mechanism, obtain the support and cooperation of the main leaders of the local government, have a good plan, and complete it in stages on this basis.

Kunxiang Chen, Chairman of Xiamen Laisanjin Network Technology Co., Ltd., and Juntao Dai, Chairman of Beijing Cunyou Network Technology Co., Ltd., respectively shared their experiences from the perspective of business service practice in rural revitalization. They said that there is a common problem of lack of products or product homogeneity in rural areas. From products to terminals, channels need to be opened up, means need to be innovated, digital supervision needs to be carried out, traceability system needs to be built, and management talents suitable for rural revitalization need to be trained.

Professor Hua Gui, Director of the Department of Sociology, School of Sociology in Wuhan University, Professor Min Zhang, Director of the Department of E-commerce, School of Information Management in Wuhan University, Professor Guoyin Jiang, School of Public Administration in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Professor Xiaochao Wei, School of Economics in Wuhan University of Technology, also shared their own discipline characteristics in combination with the cause of rural revitalization.

Jiang Wu concluded that the National Key R&D ProjectIntegration and Application Demonstration of Rural Culture and Tourism Cloud Service Technologyteam would respond positively to the call of General Secretary Xi Jinping. The team would not forget the original intention, bear in mind the mission, continue to integrate the production, administration, study and research around the rural revitalization, and build a platform for rural revitalization’s communication and services, contributing to the strategy of serving the revitalization of the country and the countryside.
