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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


SIM Graduates Association was Awarded the 2020-2021 Academic Year Excellent Graduates Association of Wuhan University

2021-06-11 11:17:06

On the afternoon of May 24, the defence and evaluation of the 2020-2021 Academic Year Excellent Graduates Association of Wuhan University was held in the Fifth Teaching Building Multi-functional Report Hall. After fierce competition, SIM Graduates Association ranked first in all graduates associations participating in the defense, and won the 2020-2021 Academic Year Excellent Graduates Association of Wuhan University. There were only 10 graduates associations of Wuhan University won the honor, and this is the 11th consecutive time since the year 2010 that SIM Graduates Association has been awarded this honor.

Guoye Sun, Executive Chair of the SIM Graduates Association, as representative of the SIM Graduates Association, introduced the organizational structure and working mode of the SIM Graduates Association from eight aspects: ideological guidance, organization and standardization construction, publicity work, subject innovation, life rights protection, mental health, employment and friendship, and literary and sports practice, and showed the characteristic activities and fruitful achievements in the past one year. In the report, Guoye Sun integrated the classical laws of Library Science with the construction concept of the SIM Graduates Association, fully demonstrated the discipline characteristics and the style of graduate students of the SIM, and won the unanimous praise of the judges, teachers and students present.

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Over the past one year, the SIM Graduates Association has always put the needs of the majority of graduate students in the first place, held a number of characteristic activities, and created a series of characteristic "IP": 21 times of theoretical study, leading the thought; 9 times of practical service with professional characteristics to mobilize the service enthusiasm of student association cadres; 259 original manuscripts, conveying the information of the SIM and showing the elegant demeanor of students; more than 100 academic activities to enhance professional quality and broaden academic vision; 6 proposals on the rights and interests of life to protect the rights and interests of students and convey important messages; 7 times of psychological activities to relieve the pressure of study and take care of physical and mental health; 11 career guidance activities with experienced alumnus to answer questions and solve doubts; 4 social activities to build a communication platform to meet social needs; 6 recreational and sports activities enrich after-school life and enhance the friendship between teachers and students.

The SIM Graduates Association integrates the humanistic spirit with the advantages of information technology and discipline, adheres to the working concept of "student-centered" and "service-oriented", and dares to innovate on the basis of inheritance. Through "one meeting" - regular congress, "two units" - class and laboratory, unite students to achieve "three goals" - make contributions to the development of discipline, Wuhan University and country, strive to improve the ability to serve the youth and the overall situation, and fully show the style of Luojia and SIM.

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