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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Seminar on Strategic Cooperation Between Dolphin Media Co., Ltd. and SIM

2021-06-11 11:16:18

In order to meet the important strategic needs of the upgrading and development of national cultural industry, cultivate high-quality new arts talents and promote the "Teaching and Learning Revolution", on the morning of May 25, 2021, Dolphin Media Co., Ltd. and the School of Information Management, Wuhan University held a strategic cooperation seminar.Xingrong Fu, CPC Secretary of the SIM, Qian Dai, CPC Deputy Secretary of the SIMand some teachers and students' representatives of the SIM, Shunhua Xia, Chairman and President of Dolphin Media, Yuanyuan Fang, Vice Chairman of Dolphin Media, Haiyang An, Vice President of Dolphin Media, Li Tao, Vice President of Dolphin Media, attended the meeting. The two sides have established long-term, comprehensive and deep strategic cooperation in the fields of linkage of production, learning and research, customized and precise talents training, digital publishing innovation research base and live broadcast laboratory, etc. centering on the strategic tasks of upgrading and development of publishing industry and talent training in the publishing industry chain.

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Led by Shunhua Xia, the participants first visited Dolphin Media Co., Ltd. to learn about its organizational structure and corporate culture. Xingrong Fu and Shunhua Xia delivered speeches respectively. Xingrong Fu introduced the basic situation of the SIM, and expressed his gratitude to Dolphin Media for its support for talent cultivation. Shunhua Xia welcomed the arrival of the SIM team and hoped to further deepen cooperation and exchange with the SIM through this strategic cooperation seminar.

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Subsequently, Haiyang An and Li Tao respectively reported on Dolphin publishing and Dolphin digital media. Teachers from the Department of Publishing Science, Department of E-commerce and Department of Library Science also introduced the relevant situation of talent cultivation. Finally, the two sides discussed such topics as student internship and employment, school-enterprise collaborative education and customized talent training, off-campus part-time tutor program, and co-construction of live lab program, and put forward suggestions on how to promote the cooperation implementation.

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This strategic cooperation seminar was an important measure for our school to deepen school-enterprise cooperation, explore education path of all staff education, whole process education and all-round education, and innovate the talent training mechanism. It would help our school to focus more on the needs of the industry, accelerate the deep integration of industry, university and research, and cultivate more high-quality compound talents.

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Dolphin Media Co., Ltd. was founded in 1999, it is a children's education service provider with full media, entire industry chain. Since its establishment, Dolphin Media has always focused on children's education, and has focused on children's publishing as its main business, and vigorously developed children's digital media and pre-school education equipment. At present, Dolphin Media has grown into a leading enterprise in the field of publishing children's books in China.
