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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Professor Ping Ke Visited SIM

2021-06-04 17:35:17

On May 14, Professor Ping Ke, Department of Information Resource Management, Nankai University, was invited to visit our school and give a lecture entitled Topic Selection and Application of National Social Science Fund Projects. Jiang Wu,Associate Dean of SIM,presided over the lecture. Wei Lu,Dean of SIM, andsome teachers and students of SIM participated in the activity.

Jiang Wu introduced Ping Ke’s important academic achievements in knowledge management, library management and Philology, and expressed warm welcome and sincere gratitude for his return to Alma Mater to share and exchange his experience and thoughts.

Based on his own experience in applying for and evaluating social science fund projects, Ping Ke made a detailed explanation for young teachers on how to find the right direction of scientific research, lay a good foundation for scientific research, highlight personal academic label, and apply for and demonstrate fund projects. Ping Ke said that as the vanguard and leader of the library, information and archives discipline in China, the School of Information Management of Wuhan University should have the consciousness and sense of responsibility to serve the national strategy, discipline construction, and the cultivation of high-end talents in the library, information and archives discipline, be practical and progressive, and adhere to serving the major strategic needs of the country in the selection, application and research of major projects such as the National Social Science Fund, continue to achieve greater results.

At the end of the lecture, young teachers communicated with Ping Ke on the basis of their own problems in scientific research and project application. Wei Lu, on behalf of SIM, expressed his gratitude to Ping Ke for his wonderful sharing. Wei Lu said that Ping Ke’s lecture is of great guiding significance to teachers and students of the school. In future project selection and application, the school leadership should further make overall planning, strengthen guidance and strive to make new breakthroughs.

说明: IMG_256
