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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Yongqiang Sun and Jun Huang Won the May 4th Youth Medal of Wuhan University

2021-05-26 17:36:08

Recently, the list of winners of the2021May 4th Youth Medal of Wuhan Universitywas announced. Yongqiang Sun, a young teacher of our school, and Jun Huang, an alumnus of our school, were awarded this honor.

Yongqiang Sun is a Professor and doctoral supervisor of our school. Since he has been working in our school, he has been firmly on the front line of teaching and research, with outstanding achievements, and has been selected into several national high-level talent programs. He has been awarded the China's Highly Cited Scholars by Elsevier for two consecutive years. In recent years, he has published more than 30 papers in Information Systems Research, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information & Management, Decision Support Systemsand international conferences, such as ICIS, PACIS, AMCIS, and serves as peer reviewer of multiple SCI/SSCI journals. He devoted himself to teaching and training talents, taught more than 400 hours a year, and boldly carried out teaching reform. He was welcomed by students. He ranked top 10 of students’ evaluation of teaching for many times, and won the second prize of the eighth youth teacher teaching competition of Wuhan University. As CPC Secretary of the Department of Information Management Science Branch, he performed his duties and led the branch to be selected into the first batch of "double leaders" workshop construction list of the teachers' Party branch of national universities, which was the first selected teachers' Party branch of Wuhan University. He has been awarded the Title of "Excellent Communist Party Member" for many times and has been selected as the "Youth Lecturer Group of Wuhan University" for two consecutive years.

Jun Huang is a 2009-grade undergraduate and 2012-grade master's degree graduate of our school. He is now the Secretary of the office director of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Wuhan University. Since he worked in the university after graduation, he has always adhered to the work front of discipline inspection and supervision in colleges and universities. During his work, he has been seconded to Hubei Provincial Department of Education, Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Ministry of Education, Central Inspection Group, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and other higher-level leading organs. He has won the honorary titles of excellent volunteer service in Hubei Province and "Advanced Individual in the Construction of National Civilized Campus".

TheMay 4th Youth Medal of Wuhan Universityis the highest honor awarded to the youth by Wuhan University. It aims to show the spiritual quality and value pursuit of the youth of Wuhan University in the new era, encourage the youth not to forget their original intention and keep in mind their mission, and give full play to the role of the new force and commando in the new journey of promoting the "double first class" construction. In this selection, 9 outstanding young people and 1 collective of the whole university won the honor.
