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School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Boone Talk Between Teachers and Students (No. 1) Held at SIM

2021-04-30 16:35:47

At noon on March 31, theBoone Talk Between Teachers and Students (No. 1),initiated by Jie Xu, Director of the Department of Publishing Science, Gang Wu, Deputy Director of the Department of Library Science, Yujue Wang, Deputy Director of the Department of Archives and Government Information, was held in meeting room of SIM. Qian Dai,CPC Deputy Secretary of SIM,Lihong Zhou,Associate Dean of SIM andother 20 teachers and students participated in the activity.

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The theme of this talk wasCultivation and Shaping of Humanistic Literacy in Undergraduate Information Management Education. Yujue Wang pointed out in the opening remark that with the adjustment of the training programs of all specialties and the need of talent training, it was a trend to open more information technology courses. While compared with computer and other technology majors, we need to think about how to reflect the characteristics of our own specialty, and enhance core competitiveness by cultivating and improving the humanities quality.

Gang Wu brought his share with the title ofLibrary Science Professional Education with Both Technology and Humanity. He explained why library science education should pay attention to humanistic quality through the judgment and reflection of famous scholars in the international library science field. Taking the development of the library circle in the reform of China's economic system as an example, he emphasized the importance of humanistic quality to the library cause. Finally, Gang Wu put forward some suggestions to strengthen the humanistic quality education of library science.

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In the theme sharing ofWhy Do Information Management Students Should Cultivate Artistic Quality, Jie Xu led everyone to appreciate a series of classic paintings from classicism to postmodernism, and explained why to cultivate college students' humanistic quality from the perspective of artistic quality. She believed that the process of learning art is the process of inner expansion. She proposed to learn to appreciate art through various channels, remove "plastic feeling" and return to the "warmth" of human nature.

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Yujue Wang shared herValue of Theoretical Literacy in the Training of Information Management Talentsby listing some misreading and misuse of humanistic classic theory in archival research results, she proposed to read more humanistic and social science classics, so as to improve ideological depth and avoid becoming an information tool in the digital era.

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In the following free exchange session, the teachers and students discussed the value of humanistic quality education in information management discipline, the combination of humanistic quality education and professional education, and the implementation of humanistic quality education. Everyone spoke freely and the atmosphere was warm.

Qian Dai and Lihong Zhou summarized the activity. They believed that this form of activity provided more face-to-face communication opportunities for teachers and students, and had important reference value for the school to reform the talent training mode and optimize the curriculum system. At the same time, they also hoped that students could consciously strengthen the cultivation of humanistic quality, and comprehensively improve their comprehensive quality.

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