
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Nan Wang

2018-09-20 10:24:53



Nan Wang

Academic / job titles

Associate Professor

Contact Information


Room No



• E-commerce

• Information systems


Journal Papers (International)

• Sun, Y., Wang, N.*, Shen, X., Zhang, X. (2015) "Location Information Disclosure in Location-based Social Network Services: Privacy Calculus, Benefit Structure, and Gender Differences," Computers in Human Behavior (52), pp. 278-292.

• Sun, Y., Wang, N., Yin, C., Zhang, X. (2015) "Understanding the Relationship between Motivators and Effort in Crowdsourcing Marketplaces: A Nonlinear Analysis," International Journal of Information Management (35:3), pp. 267-276.

• Sun, Y., Shen, X.*, Wang, N. (2014) "Understanding the Role of Consistency during Web – Mobile Service Transition: Dimensions and Boundary Conditions," International Journal of Information Management (34:4), pp. 465-473.

• Sun, Y., Wang, N.*, Guo, X., Peng, Z. (2013) "Understanding the Acceptance of Mobile Health Services: A Comparison and Integration of Alternative Models," Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (14:2), pp. 183-200.

• Shen, X., Sun, Y.*, Wang, N. (2013) "Recommendations from Friends Anytime and Anywhere: Toward a Model of Contextual Offer and Consumption Values," CyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking (16:5), pp. 349-356.

• Wang, N., Shen, X.*, Sun, Y. (2013) "Transition of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Services from Web to Mobile Context: A Trust Transfer Perspective," Decision Support Systems (54:3), pp. 1394-1403.

• Guo, X., Sun, Y.*, Wang, N., Peng, Z., Yan, Z. (2013) "The Dark Side of Elderly Acceptance of Preventive Mobile Health Services in China," Electronic Markets (23:1), pp. 49-61.

• Shen, X., Wang, N.*, Sun, Y., Xiang, L. (2013) "Unleash the Power of Mobile Word-of-Mouth: An Empirical Study of System and Information Characteristics in Ubiquitous Decision Making," Online Information Review (37:1), pp. 42-60.

• Sun, Y., Wang, N.*, and Peng, Z. (2011) "Working for One Penny: Understanding Why People Would Like to Participate in Online Tasks with Low Payment," Computers in Human Behavior (27:2), pp. 1033-1041.
