
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Xiaoguang Wang

2018-09-20 10:23:30



Xiaoguang Wang

Academic / job titles


Contact Information


Room No.



• Digital publishing

• Digital assets management

• Ontologies for scientific publishing

• Semantic annotation of digital object and scientific discourse

• Analysis of knowledge and social networks

• Digital Humanities


• Introduction to Digital Publishing (Textbook: William E. Kasdorf. The Columbia Guide to Digital Publishing, New York: Columbia University Press, 2003.)

• Digital Assets Management

• Information Organization

• Information and Document Modeling

• Advances in Semantic Publishing



Wang Xiaoguang. Digital Asset Management, Beijing:Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2013.

Book Chapters

Ma Fei-Cheng, Lyu Peng-hui, Wang Xiaoguang. Knowledge Discovery of Complex Networks Research Literatures . Library and Information Sciences Trends and Research, Springer Open, 2014:119-135.

Advances in Information Science 2006, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2007.

Development and Management of Information Resources, Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2003.

Articles (selected and peer-reviewed)

1. Lei Xu, Xiaoguang Wang. Semantic Description of Cultural Digital Image: Using The Hierarchical Model and Controlled Vocabulary. D-lib. 2015(21)

2. Ningyuan Song, Xiaoguang Wang. A Survey of Semantic Image Annotation Tools Towards Digital Humanities. Digital Library Forum, 2015(4):7-13.

3. Xiaoguang Wang, Qikai Cheng, Wei Lu. Analyzing the Evolutions of Research Topics with NEViewer: A New Method Based On Co-word Network Dynamics. Scientometrics. 2014.101(2): 1253-1271.

4. Qikai Cheng, Xiaoguang Wang, Wei Lu, Shuguang Han. NEViewer: A New Software for Analyzing the Evolution of Research Topics. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, pp:1307-1320, Vienna, Austria. 2013.7.18

5. Xiaoguang Wang. Forming Mechanisms and Structures of a Knowledge Transfer Network: Theoretical and Simulation Research. Journal of Knowledge Management. 2013, 17(2): 278 – 289

6. Wang xiaoguang, Chen xiaoyu. Semantic publishing: a new scientific communication model in digital age. Publishing Science, 2012(4)(In Chinese)

7. Wang xiaoguang, Chen xiaoyu. An Introduction to Semantic Publishing. Publishing Research, 2011(11): 54-58(In Chinese)

8. Ping Liu, Yuehong Hu, Xiaoguang Wang, Kan Liu. A Methodology for Domain Ontology Construction in Information Science. Proceedings of International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, Shanghai, China. 2011.5

9. Xiaoguang Wang, Tingting Jiang, Xiaoyu Li. Structures and Dynamics of Science Knowledge Network:An Empirical Analysis Based On Co-word Network. Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science. 2010(3): 19-36.

10. Xiaoguang Wang, Tingting Jiang, Feicheng Ma. Blog-supported Scientific Communication: An Exploratory Analysis Based on Social Hyperlinks in a Chinese Blog Community. Journal of Information Science. 2010.36(6):690-704.

11. Wang xiaoguang. Formation and Evolution of Science Knowledge Network (Ⅱ): Co-word Network Visualization and Increasing Dynamics. Journal of The China Society for Scientific and Technical Information. 2010, 29(2):314-322. (In Chinese)

12. Wang xiaoguang. Formation and Evolution of Science Knowledge Network (Ⅰ): A New Research Method Based On Co-word Network Journal of The China Society for Scientific and Technical Information. 2009, 28(4):599-605. (In Chinese)

13. Tingting Jiang, Xiaoguang Wang. How Do Bloggers Comment: An Empirical Analysis of the Commenting Network of A Blog Community. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2009, Dec. 15 2009, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

14. Xiaoguang Wang, Mitsuyuki Inaba. Structures and Evolution of Digital Humanities: An Empirical Research based on Correspondence Analysis and Co-word Analysis, Proceedings of International Conference Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, Dec. 1 2009, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. pp. 1-16.

15. Xiaoguang Wang, Mitsuyuki Inaba. Co-word Analysis of Research Topics in Digital Humanities. The International Conference of Digital Humanities 2009(DH09), USA: 2009.7

16. Xiaoguang Wang, Mitsuyuki Inaba. Analyzing Structures and Evolution of Digital Humanities Based on Correspondence Analysis and Co-word Analysis. Art Research, Kyoto, 2009.3: 123-134.

17. Wang Xiaoguang. Informal Communication in Blog Community: An Empirical Analysis of Web Links, Journal of The China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2009, 28(2): 248-256. (In Chinese)

18. Wang Xiaoguang. A Review of Social Network-Based Knowledge Management Research, Document, Information & Knowledge, 2008(4): 87-92. (In Chinese)

19. Ma Feicheng, Wang Xiaoguang. Advanced Research in Information Resource Management, Journal of The China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 2007, 24(2): 172-178. (In Chinese)

20. Wang Xiaoguang, Ma Feicheng, Wang Juncheng, Hu chao. The “Small-world” Characteristic of Author Co-words Network. Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2007, 2007(p: 3712-3715), China:Shanghai.

21. Ma Feicheng, Wang Xiaoguang. The Social Network Model of Knowledge Transfer, Jiangxi Social Science, 2006(8): 38-45. (In Chinese)

22. Wang Xiaoguang, Ding Ren, Hu Chao. Designing and Implementing of Scholar information Portal Based on Web 2.0, Document, Information & Knowledge, 2007(1): 83-87. (In Chinese)

23. Lu Wei, Hao Jinxing, Wang Xiaoguang. The Product Platform and Process of Digital Content Firms, Science & Technology progress and policy, 2006(10): 79-82. (In Chinese)


Government-funded grants

• Dynamic Digital Publishing Standards for Scientific and Education Publishing (2012BAH88F01), National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Co-PI, ¥800,000,(12/1/2012-11/30/2015)

• Mechanism and Detection of Emerging Trend Based on Evolution of Semantic Co-word Network (71003078), National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC), PI, ¥200,000, (1/1/2011-12/31/2013)

• Digital Publishing Resources Analysis and Duration(10JJD630013), MOE Project of Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities, Chinese Ministry of Education, Co-PI,¥200,000,(1/1/2011-12/31/2012)

• Preservation of Digital Cultural Heritage: Multi-retrieval and Knowledge Discovery on Cultural Heritage(2012CB725300), National Key Basic Research Program (NKBRP, 973 program), Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Senior Personnel, ¥200,000 out of ¥25,000,000 (1/1/2012-12/31/2016)

• Form Mechanism and Evolution Rules of Knowledge Network (71173249), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Co-PI,¥450,000, (1/1/2012-12/31/2015)

Corporate-funded grants

• Fine-grained Scientific Document Unit Annotation and Semantic Organization, Publishing House of Electronic Industry, PI, ¥350,000, (1/1/2011.1-12/31/2012)


• Feb. 2011. Luojia Excellent Young Scholar, awarded by Wuhan University;

• May 2006. Huang Tso-ping and Wu Yao-yu Research Memorial Fund and Scholarships, awarded by Chinese-American Association (CALA);

• May 2004. Wood Foundation Scholarship, awarded by Library Society of China.


• Visiting scholar, August, 2013-August, 2014, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Graduate School of Library and Information Science

• Full Professor, November, 2012-Present, School of Information Management, Center for Information Resources Management, Wuhan University, P. R. China

• Associate professor, November, 2009- November, 2012, School of Information Management, Center for Information Resources Management, Wuhan University, P. R. China

• Post-Doctor Fellow, April, 2008-April, 2009, Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures, ART Research Center, Ritsumeikan University, Japan

• Lecturer, Sep. 2007- April, 2008, School of Information Management, Center for Information Resources Management, Wuhan University, P. R. China


Journal of Computer-mediated Communication(SSCI)Reviewer

Journal of Business Research(SSCI)Reviewer

Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science Reviewer

Culture & Computing 2012(EI)Reviewer & PC Member


2014.6.30 USA, University of Cincinnati, Library, Digital Humanities in China.

2013.10.25 USA, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Seminar,NEViewer: A New Software for Analyzing the Evolution of Research Topics.

2013.7.18University of Vienna, 14th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, NEViewer: A New Software for Analyzing the Evolution of Research Topics.

2011.12.16 The Provision and Operation of Interdisciplinary Subjects—Digital publishing in Wuhan University. International Seminar on Interdisciplinary Education through Consilience. Konkuk University. Soul, Korea.

2010.11.29 The State of Digital Humanities Research in China, International Conference Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
