
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Qing Fang

2019-06-30 19:43:44



Qing, Fang

Academic / job titles

Professor / the Dean of School of Information Management

Contact Information


Room No



• Marketing in Publishing Industry

• Marketing in Cultural Industry

• Management of Digital Publishing Industry

• Scientific Communication


• Marketing in Publishing (undergraduates)

• Marketing Management in Publishing(master degree candidates)

• Advances in Publishing Studies (master degree candidates;one lecture)

• Advances in Publishing Marketing(Ph. D. candidates)


Papers (selected)

• Internationalization of Chinese STM Journal Publishing. Publishing Research Quarterly, Volume 29, Number 2, June 2013(the corresponding author)

• Market-oriented reform in Chinese scholarly publishing. Learned Publishing, Volume 26, Number 2, 2013: 135-138(the first author)

• On some important relations in the development of digital publishing industry. Journal of Editing, No.1, 2013(the first author)

• Academic quality control of Open Access Journals based on publication process. Journal of Information Resources Management, No.4, 2012(the first author)

• Resources, technology and sharing: three basic models of digital publishing. Publishing Journal, No.1, 2011(the first author)

• On Content-oriented Digital Publishing Model. 2011 the 4th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (ICIII 2011), Shenzhen, China, pp26-27, November, 2011(the first author)

• On Interactive Service-oriented Digital Publishing Model. 2011 the 4th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (ICIII 2011) Shenzhen, China, pp26-27, November, 2011(the first author)

• The Renaissance of informal scientific communications: Backgrounds, indications, and effects. LOGOS: Journal of the World Publishing Community, Volume 22, Issue 3, 2011 pp27-43(the first author)

• Thirty-year Reform and Opening-up of China’s Publishing Industry. LOGOS: Forum of The World Book Community, Vol.19, Issue1, Quarterly, 2010(the first author)

• Study on the content model of science and Technology Journals. Publishing Research, No.1, 2010(the first author)

• On the innovation of management system and operation mechanism of science and technology publishing. Publishing Research, No.2, 2008(the first author)

• On the development strategy of the bestsellers’industry chain. Wide-angle of Publishing, No.7, 2008(the first author)

• Chinese Publishing Industry Going Global: Background and Performance. Publishing Research Quarterly , No. 3, 2008(the first author)

• Peer-review Research & Practices of Academic Journals in China. Journal of Scholarly Publishing, July 07, 2008(the first author)

• Publishing in China post-WTO. LOGOS: Forum of The World Book Community, Vol.19, Issue1, Quarterly, 2008(the corresponding author)

• Scholarly Publishing Funds in China. Learned Publishing, No.1, 2007(the second author)

• On the industrial chain strategy of foreign investment in China 's publishing industry. Publishing Research, No.2, 2007(the first author)

• On the competitiveness of science and Technology Publishing. Friends of Publishing, No.3, 2007(the first author)

• On the construction of publishing industry chain. Journal of Library and Information, No.5, 2006(the first author)

• A Brief History of Non-state-owned Book Business on Mainland China. Publishing Research Quarterly, No.3, 2005(the first author)

• The target marketing strategy of publishing enterprises. Publishing Research, No.12, 2005(the first author)

• The upgrading of China's science and Technology Publishing international competitiveness. Publishing Research, No.1, 2003(the first author)

Monography & Textbooks (selected)

• Management of Digital Publishing Industry, Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2013(the first author)

• Study on the Publishing Industry Chain, Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2011(the first author)

• Publishing in the Digital Age, New York: Pace University Press, 2008(the first author)

• Research on International Competitiveness of STM Publishing, Wuhan: Wuhan University, 2008(the first author)

• Case Studies of Bestsellers, Guangzhou: Guangdong Education Press, 2005(the first author)

• Research on Scientific Communication, Wuhan: Wuhan University, 2005(the first author)

• Marketing Management in Book Publishing, Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2004(the first author)

PROJECTS (selected)

• The theory and practice of optimization of modern cultural market system, a National Social Science Fund Project

• Research on the key technology and standard specification of dynamic digital publishing, a National Science and Technology Supporting Program

• The leading mechanism of the creation and production of cultural products, a National Social Science Fund Project

• Academic quality evaluation and control of the open access Journals, a NSFC funded project

• The international competitiveness of China's science and technology publishing, a NSFC funded project

• Scientific information carrier integration and process reengineering in the digital age, a National Social Science Fund Project

• The Status quo and Countermeasures of book distribution in the rural area of Hubei Province, a National Social Science Fund Project


• Visiting scholar, Pace University, USA, 2004

• Editor-in- Chief, Publishing Journal, 2006-

• Committee member, LOGOS: Forum of The World Book Community, 2009-

• Deputy Director , Library Society of China, 2015-

• Standing director, China Redactological Society, 2015-

• Deputy director, Hubei Editorial Society, 2008-

• Deputy director, Hubei Information Society, 2015-

• Deputy director, Teaching and research sub-committee ofNational and Publishing Information Standardization Committee, 2015-
