
Contact Information

School of Information Management,
Wuhan University,
Wuhan, Hubei Province,
P.R.China. 430072


Yongchun Yao

2019-06-30 19:42:55



Yao Yongchun

Academic / job titles

Associate Professor

Contact Information


Room No



• Publishing Marketing

• Internationalization of Publishing Industry and Media Industry

• Redactology


• New Media Advertising

• Online Editing

• Editing Principal

• Global Book Trade


Journal Papers (International)

• [1] Thinking on Several Issues of Education of Editorial and Publishing Subject in Digital Publishing.Digital publishing and education of publishing .Higher Education press,2009.

• [2] The Innovation of Profit Model in Media Industry under the Trend of Convergence:from the Perspective of Value Chain. Journalism & Communication Review(Vol ,2008), Wuhan Publishing Press,2009.

• [3] The Study on the Core Competitiveness of Science and Technology Publishing. Publishing Journal,2008(5).

• [4] The Remodeling of China Publishing’s International Model at the Era of Post Financial Crisis .Publishing Journal,2010(2).

• [5 ]The Risk Identification and Prevention of Foreign Exchange for China Publishing Groups.Publishing Journal,2012(6).

• [6] The Eight Quality Management Principles of Network Science and Technology Periodicals on the Basis of ISO Standard. Journal of Zhongzhou University,2012(5).

• [7] The PDCA Cycle in the Quality Control of Digital Academic Journals .Publishing Journal,2011(6);Publishing industry,2011(1).

• [8] Review on the International Development of China Publishing from the Perspective of Go Global Strategy. Publishing Journal,2010(5); Publishing industry,2011(1).

• [9] The Problems and Optimization Policy of Network Recruitment in Publishing Groups. Digital Publishing and Publishing Education(Vol,3). Higher Education press,2012.

• [10] Analysis on Locations of Overseas Branches of Transnational Publishing Enterprises,Publishing Journal,2014(5), pp.28-32.

• [11]The Two Aspects of the Nuggets—Big Data in Publishing Groups .A Vast View on Publishing,2014(4),pp.28-32.

• [12] The New Characteristics of Editing in All-media Publishing, A Vast View on Publishing,2015(5),pp.98-100.

Conference Papers (International)

• Yao,“Three Critical Issues on Human Resources Management in Chinese Publishing Houses”, AIMSEC,2011-8,Vol6


• Co-author of the textbook “Book Marketing”

• Experimental Textbook of Book Binding Design


Government-funded grants

• Research of Overseas Investment of Chinese Publishing Industry

• Research of Overseas Investing Model Choice for Chinese Publishing Enterprises

• Research of Digital Publishing Industry Investment Strategy Based on Content Integration
